This pretty much says it all, doesn't it? WOOHOO!
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Song of the Year 2004 (so far)
I'm doing this month by month. If you have any disagreement, you can tag me by saying what song should be Song of the Month and I can promptly ignore it. :D
January: Hey Mama - Black Eyed Peas
February: This Love - Maroon 5
March: Are You Gonna Be My Girl? - Jet
January: Hey Mama - Black Eyed Peas
February: This Love - Maroon 5
March: Are You Gonna Be My Girl? - Jet
Monday, April 19, 2004
And now it's Ramblin' Time with your host, sm4113r!
Dumb name, sm4113r, huh? Anyway, I think I'm going nuts right now. I didn't sleep until 4AM last night so I can finish my dumb MMA project. Well, ok, it isn't finished, missing background, bugs everywhere you look, but I figured as long as the ship shoots the aliens to dust and vice versa, I think I could pass. This now means, I'm FREEEE! OK, there is the exams next week, but I can handle 'em, no sweat. BTW, did you know my sister looks oh so adorable when she sleeps? And that she snores? And talks in her sleep? Loudly? Yep.
Went through a little drama on IRC yesterday. MM went down for some reason and some of the mods were frantically discussing how in heck to fix it. All the technical terms flew over my head of course, but I saved the convo so that I'll have more time to understand it. Y'know what? I think it makes a good story, this convo.
A question to all the girls (read:95% of you): Do girls really like candles? Not those ordinary candles of course, but the fancy decorative ones?
Later then....
46 days to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, 72 days to Spider-Man 2
Went through a little drama on IRC yesterday. MM went down for some reason and some of the mods were frantically discussing how in heck to fix it. All the technical terms flew over my head of course, but I saved the convo so that I'll have more time to understand it. Y'know what? I think it makes a good story, this convo.
A question to all the girls (read:95% of you): Do girls really like candles? Not those ordinary candles of course, but the fancy decorative ones?
Later then....
46 days to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, 72 days to Spider-Man 2
Saturday, April 17, 2004
Any ideas for a good title?
Here in school right now for a remedial. But I just found out that there's going to be a similar one on Monday. So, heck, Monday it is.
For the MM and MH people who were kind enough to actually click on the link in my sig: Welcome to my humble blog. Please relax and explore around. Visit all the Humans I Know. BTW, the top one is my sister, so for all the guys, I'll say this: she's not interested in a relationship right now, so forget it! Other than that, I hope you have a pleasurable time here. :)
FInally, anybody knows what to give a 27 year old for her birthday?
For the MM and MH people who were kind enough to actually click on the link in my sig: Welcome to my humble blog. Please relax and explore around. Visit all the Humans I Know. BTW, the top one is my sister, so for all the guys, I'll say this: she's not interested in a relationship right now, so forget it! Other than that, I hope you have a pleasurable time here. :)
FInally, anybody knows what to give a 27 year old for her birthday?
Thursday, April 15, 2004
Fine and dandy, like sour candy...
'Sigh' After the little 'debacle' last Tuesday, I was just moping around yesterday. Well, I've cheered up a bit today. Of course, whenever I get depressed is when I do some of my best thinking. And you know what, I think I'm gonna try being nicer to my adik. Not pretending to be nice, not being over-nice, just...nice. So, adik, please don't make it hard for me like you tend to do.
Milya's right, eating can relieve stress a bit. I think I've gain a pound or four though. What she didn't say though was the healing power of putting a chainsaw to somebody's back. Ah, Vice City. What would I do without you?
Floorball practice in 4 hours. Probably the last one before exams start in 2-3 weeks. About time it came, I'd like to turn all those poor marks into excellent.
Well, that's it then. I'm going to go have lunch: two plates of fried rice. Maybe three. With extra black pepper. Mmmmmm.
Milya's right, eating can relieve stress a bit. I think I've gain a pound or four though. What she didn't say though was the healing power of putting a chainsaw to somebody's back. Ah, Vice City. What would I do without you?
Floorball practice in 4 hours. Probably the last one before exams start in 2-3 weeks. About time it came, I'd like to turn all those poor marks into excellent.
Well, that's it then. I'm going to go have lunch: two plates of fried rice. Maybe three. With extra black pepper. Mmmmmm.
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Just when you think you got your problems sorted out...seems as if today the links won't behave. I tried to add in a new link, but it didn't show. I went on a hunch and got rid of two links, and they were still there. Hmph. Well, I'll sort 'em later.
Shahnaz, if you're reading this, the spam in your tagboard really was an accident! I swear! I'm sorry! Please don't hit me! Would it help if I said Arsene Wenger rocks too?
Shahnaz, if you're reading this, the spam in your tagboard really was an accident! I swear! I'm sorry! Please don't hit me! Would it help if I said Arsene Wenger rocks too?
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Bad day for me? Yeah, pretty much.
When I was a little boy, I made an oath: To never, ever swear in public. No f-word, no s-word, no four letter words. Of course as I grow older, I started making exceptions like 'crap' and 'hell'. But the Big 4, as Marge Simpson would say, are still a no-no. (On a side-note, I know 2 of the words, f__k and s__t, but what about the other two?) But it's days like today that make me want to break this old oath of mine. Look, I know this is a diary, and that I would probably be expected to spill out my deepest secrets here, and I might, but not this one. Something happened in my OCOM lesson. I will not say much, for I have humiliated myself in front of my friends in that class, and I do not want that humiliation to spread to my other friends and family. If you know what happened in that class, then please keep it to yourself. The last thing I need is people making fun of me again. It'll be like 1995 all over again.....
Pah, enough bad words. I'm going to cheer myself up if it's the last thing I do. So here's some good news. I've decided to download all episodes of the TV show '24' but it's been extremely hard to find. But I've finally found a download site and the first episode is now 91% complete. Hey, I know this isn't usually the stuff that cheers people up, but trust me, this cheers me up, and I have a feeling that in 4 weeks, when school will finally be over, I will need a LOT of cheering up.
Ah well, life's a b!tch and then you die. (Hmmm, maybe 'b!tch' is one of the Big 4)
Pah, enough bad words. I'm going to cheer myself up if it's the last thing I do. So here's some good news. I've decided to download all episodes of the TV show '24' but it's been extremely hard to find. But I've finally found a download site and the first episode is now 91% complete. Hey, I know this isn't usually the stuff that cheers people up, but trust me, this cheers me up, and I have a feeling that in 4 weeks, when school will finally be over, I will need a LOT of cheering up.
Ah well, life's a b!tch and then you die. (Hmmm, maybe 'b!tch' is one of the Big 4)
Sunday, April 11, 2004
The next 2 days are going to be hectic, I can tell. Let's see, 1 IAC report, 1 OCOM essay, 1 presentation, 1 MMA project, who know what I missed? At least for MMA, I made it a little easier by downloading the whole Director 8.5 program to my home computer. Now I have an excellent reason to hog this computer without my sister dragging me out of her room.
Thursday, April 08, 2004
I HAVE DONE IT! I HAVE FINISHED MY EVP PROJECT! (Hafiz turns off the Caps Lock) It took a week of my life but I did it. Nothing important left to say except I finished it. Now only one more project (MMA) stands between me and...the exams. Pah, I passed the 'O' Levels by mugging non-stop for 2 weeks for 6 subjects, I can do the same for 5. Oh yeah, almost forgot my Oral Cum, er, Com presentation (That mistake is what psychiatrist call a Freudian Slip). I can do that. Really I could. I'll be super-charged with adrenaline after badminton practice before the presentation. I can surely do this. Just charm the pants of everyone and have them eating out of your hand, that's what the best speakers say.
Everyone does know that the anniversary of the events depicted in The Passion of The Christ is tommorow, right? And today is the anniversary of the Last Supper? I think so anyway. Anyway, it all happened so long ago. My Hardline friends are right, there's no really confirming whether any of it happened. There are some who say Shakespeare never existed, so who knows?
Might change my tagboard soon, so watch for it.
Finally, whether you celebrate it or not, Happy Easter everyone! If you see the Easter bunny, catch it, cook it and save some for me, ok? Now I better go home before my parents blow their tops. I wish they wouldn't, it's not good for their heart, they're not exactly young anymore, you know.
Everyone does know that the anniversary of the events depicted in The Passion of The Christ is tommorow, right? And today is the anniversary of the Last Supper? I think so anyway. Anyway, it all happened so long ago. My Hardline friends are right, there's no really confirming whether any of it happened. There are some who say Shakespeare never existed, so who knows?
Might change my tagboard soon, so watch for it.
Finally, whether you celebrate it or not, Happy Easter everyone! If you see the Easter bunny, catch it, cook it and save some for me, ok? Now I better go home before my parents blow their tops. I wish they wouldn't, it's not good for their heart, they're not exactly young anymore, you know.
Yay. I fixed the date. Now all I have to do is find a way to archive all my wonderful posts, and life will be perfect. Or at least as perfect as life can be. I'm feelin' amazingly relaxed right now, in the zone. Actually, I believe it's called 'being stoned'. Whatever it is, I feel good. And sleepy. Through Aniesha's blog I found a blog belonging to my old friend Shanaz. All her posts are exactly what I thought she'd post. Looks like she has angst to deal with too. Why does everyone have problems outside school but me? You may think it sounds strange, but I almost wish I had more than just school problems to deal with. It would make my life more interesting.
One last note: soccer is a cruel game. And it don't come crueler than this week's Euro Champions League. Real Madrid out. AC Milan stupidly losing their THREE goal advantage by letting Deportivo score FOUR. And Arsenal. Beaten by Chelsea. No words. No words to say at all.
One last note: soccer is a cruel game. And it don't come crueler than this week's Euro Champions League. Real Madrid out. AC Milan stupidly losing their THREE goal advantage by letting Deportivo score FOUR. And Arsenal. Beaten by Chelsea. No words. No words to say at all.
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Wednesday, April 7th.
Definition of a bad few weeks: I fall behind on some projects, I forgot some other projects, I made my sister pissed, I get sick, I lose my voice, my badminton teacher threatens to fail me, I'm still getting tired during floorball practices, I still suck in it, I'm having doubts over whether I can do my OCom presentation well next week, I'm not sure whether I've irritated my friends and yesterday, I broke my glasses. All I can think of now is "4 more weeks to holidays, 4 more weeks to holidays....."
Definition of a bad few weeks: I fall behind on some projects, I forgot some other projects, I made my sister pissed, I get sick, I lose my voice, my badminton teacher threatens to fail me, I'm still getting tired during floorball practices, I still suck in it, I'm having doubts over whether I can do my OCom presentation well next week, I'm not sure whether I've irritated my friends and yesterday, I broke my glasses. All I can think of now is "4 more weeks to holidays, 4 more weeks to holidays....."
Monday, April 05, 2004
You know what? I just found out who owned Blogger. It's Google, those search engine guys. They're profiting from all our thoughts, our dreams here. Don't ask me how, but they're doing it. I bow to the almighty G. :D
Yes, it's a nice day in Blogville. People are b!tching right, left and center. But how is that different from any other day? Me, I'm just rambling on and on, and if you can't understand me, then that's another case of "how is that different from any other day?". Tricky week this week, BIS project presentation, IAC presentation (and my CIP paper missing too), EVP deadline Thursday, I'm just hoping I can reach the Easter weekend in one piece. Ah yes, this Easter marks the 5th year since the Matrix was released. Life-changing event that.
If you will please look at the 'Humans I Know' section of this fine blog, you will see that it is completely 100% female. Not that I have a problem with that, it's just that, you know, I'm wondering how many males exactly are blogging? In the world? In Singapore? Among the Malays? Eh, beats me. Now then, my fingers are getting lazy, so that's my cue to stop typing.
Yes, it's a nice day in Blogville. People are b!tching right, left and center. But how is that different from any other day? Me, I'm just rambling on and on, and if you can't understand me, then that's another case of "how is that different from any other day?". Tricky week this week, BIS project presentation, IAC presentation (and my CIP paper missing too), EVP deadline Thursday, I'm just hoping I can reach the Easter weekend in one piece. Ah yes, this Easter marks the 5th year since the Matrix was released. Life-changing event that.
If you will please look at the 'Humans I Know' section of this fine blog, you will see that it is completely 100% female. Not that I have a problem with that, it's just that, you know, I'm wondering how many males exactly are blogging? In the world? In Singapore? Among the Malays? Eh, beats me. Now then, my fingers are getting lazy, so that's my cue to stop typing.
Saturday, April 03, 2004
Thursday, April 01, 2004
Now I remember one of the reasons why I left this alone. My dear cuzzins, nothing better to do than poke fun at me, izzit? BUCK, BUCK, BWAAACK! I do think chicken feed tastes good, y'know. Seriously though, a few of my cuzzins and my sister, saying all that stuff about me, against me, who never won an argument in my life, and expecting to take all that schtick without me feeling hurt. "C'mon, man, get a sense of humour", you say? HAH! You should know by now that I only find it funny when I want it to be funny. And I've never, ever find teasing directed at me funny. And Adik, your 10 bucks is somewhere in your room. You want it, go and find it.
Now then, I had a fairly good day yesterday. Went to the National Library to see it one last time before it turns to rubble. Even borrowed a book there. Lemony Snicket's "A Series of Unending Events" Book 1. Then I hurried down to Jalan Besar to catch Singapore Vs. Japan. Finally, a Singapore performance that we all can be proud of, yah? Nice to see the Singaporeans mingle with all the Japanese that came down. They nearly rocked Jalan Besar down when Indra scored. Too bad they still lost. Ah well, there's always Oman, eh?
Now then, I had a fairly good day yesterday. Went to the National Library to see it one last time before it turns to rubble. Even borrowed a book there. Lemony Snicket's "A Series of Unending Events" Book 1. Then I hurried down to Jalan Besar to catch Singapore Vs. Japan. Finally, a Singapore performance that we all can be proud of, yah? Nice to see the Singaporeans mingle with all the Japanese that came down. They nearly rocked Jalan Besar down when Indra scored. Too bad they still lost. Ah well, there's always Oman, eh?
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