Hi, this is Betsy Stockwell, and here's the latest from Casa Wahid.
Ili Izyani, sister to The Fiz and reason for his grey hairs, has finished painting part of her room red. She was aided by her father (efforts to find him a good nickname continues).
Said Ili, "Alah, papa keep taking away the paintbrush from meee! Cannot even finish myself! Might as well go watch TV right? Haiiii! Where the remote, ah? Oh, on top of the TV. ABANG!!! Can take the remote for me? Hehehehe! Sorry ah! :D"
Reactions to the new colour scheme of red and yellow are decidedly mixed. Some praised it as adding some spice to an otherwise tired looking room. Others lambasted it, saying it looks like a "typical Malay room". Fans of Watford Football Club are among the most ardent supporters of the new colour scheme. Reports of Elton John posters adorning Ili's room have been quashed by Ili herself.
Meanwhile, the matriach of the house recently received an e-mail from her friend asking her to sign up for a Multiply blog. Since the friend in question currently lives in Dubai, and figuring that this is a good way to keep in touch with her friend, she duly signed up, making her possibly the oldest person to ever join Multiply. Her son was reported to be extremely chagrined about this new development.
And finally, to The Fiz himself. After months of an ever increasing rise in his phone bill, his father (Mr. Boyan? Naah, corny) has decided enough is enough. Starting from the next month, Fiz will be paying his own bills, a development that family watchers agree was an inevitability. The Fiz was said to be not too worried about this. With the meal allowances SCDF is giving him that will boost his small salary, and his rumoured plans to buy a cordless phone for his room, perhaps he shouldn't have to be.
And that was the news from Casa Wahid. We now return you to your regular business.
Well, well, well.
Trust Alfian Sa'at to put some of my thoughts into words. Don't I wish they weren't true.
Trust Alfian Sa'at to put some of my thoughts into words. Don't I wish they weren't true.