Monday, May 03, 2004


OK, what's on my calendar now? Ooooh, I'm free tommorow. Kinda free at least, since I have to study for my damn final exams on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. THAT is why I've only updated my blog once a week for a while, mmmkay? I'm just taking a break now. Starting next week, I'll be posting more regularly now, ok? ;)

Memo to self: Reply to tags

Minor crisis yesterday. The Sasser worm hit this computer and wreaked havoc. I could connect, but my browsers would show nothing. But of course, thanks to my l33t skills on the keyboards, plus a good kick at the CPU, I got it working again. Scared me there, thought my holidays (next week) was ruined because NO INTERNET! Now I can go back to downloading more South Park episodes.

Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go 'dump' something.

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