.....also known as "Bush Balik Kampong!"
Figures. I said that this would be posted on Monday, and so it is. Two Mondays later. Ah well, on with the review.
Yup, as I expected, this movie is not so much a 'documentary' as it is a propaganda piece to spread the message: get Dubya out of the White House now. The movie starts on November 2000. Election time. News channels everywhere were calling Al Gore the winner. Except Fox News, which calls George W Bush as President of the United States of America. Could it have something to do with the fact that Bush's nephew was in charge of election news in Fox News? These attacks on Bush keep on coming: Bush allied with the Saudis to attack Iraq so they build a pipeline below to get oil. The Coalition of the Willing, which only allied with the US in the Iraq war because, hey, they have no choice. And of course, the famous 7 minutes Bush spent reading The Pet Goat after hearing of the attacks.
No doubt, Michael Moore used some editing tricks to distort facts so that it would suit his views. But frankly, this is still one entertaining documentary, my favourite. There were more students in the theater that I thought it would be, and they enjoyed the movie tremendously. (The girls in fact, kept saying about Bush, "So cuuuuuute!". When the movie ended, for the first time ever, the audience I was sitting with applauded. That didn't happen even during Star Wars Episode 1.
Bottom line, Michael Moore set out to make his case against Bush and he suceeded. But whether or not Bush is elected, I don't care. What I care about is whether I was entertained. And heck, I was.
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