They say good things come in threes. Here's a good example: Last Wednesday, three good things happened.
1) First, as I already mentioned, HALF-LIFE 2 IS OUT NOVEMBER 16TH! That's 2 days after Hari Raya. So it will be a very good week then.
2) My exams finished! Thus endeth the worst semester in any school that I have ever endured.
3) New Proton Wira my dad bought. Best damn car I've ever been in! Enough space for my big legs, comfy seats, and a CD player. Sound doesn't have that 'OOMPH' factor, but you can't have everything.
And now, I'm alone, typing this as my family goes to JB. I'd follow them, but I already did yesterday, and I am too bushed to follow them shopping again. Not like they would buy anything I want. And no, a new shirt and pair of shoes is something I need. There's a difference between want and need.
There, better stop here. Have to save the world (again) in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell. (Highly Recommended.)
23 days to Half-Life 2...
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