Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Quothe the Raven: Eat my shorts

So here comes what has become a rare sight: a post from Moi! And it will stay rare for awhile. I can't believe I'm saying this, but internet surfing has become, well, BORING. That includes forums and yes, blogs. So for now, I'll only say something here when I really have something to say.

So because I'm a coward, I STILL haven't told my parents about what happened to me. I know I have to soon. Real soon. Like, before-my-birthday soon. Maybe after the Tiger Cup final. Go Lions!

Right, tsunami. You know what I found really ironic? All year long, I've been hearing how we must protect ourselves against terrorism. That one good suicide bomb is enough to bring down the economy. Well, guess what? Mother Nature just proved that, when it comes to destruction, Osama has nothing on her. The bomb in Jakarta? Sad and unfortunate, but it affected thousands in one area only. The tsunami? Affecting millions, from Aceh all the way to Zimbabwe. I just find that funny. Dark humour at its best.

If anyone knows where I can get a good paying part-time job, please, use that tagboard. Lord knows it could use some activity.


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