I consider myself pretty handy with a computer, so the fact that I had no idea how to post a picture in my own blog embarasses me a bunch. I suceeded once, but that was a fluke because I didn't remember how I did it. Now, however, I took some time (1 hour 3 minutes) to figure out how to post a picture. In the end, it's pretty simple actually. I know, I know, trhow me bricks, say I'm dumb for not knowing how to post. Least I'm man enough to admit my weaknesses. So I wonder why I don't consider man enough to look for a job right now? Hmrm.
Anyhow, the lady in that pic right there, you probably know her. If you don't, just look at my new section 'Blog Stars' and click on the top link. Apparently, this very picture inspired some local bloggers to emulate her - the sexy pose, the toungue sticking out. It's called 'The Sexy Blogger Project'. Sounds a whole lot better than 'The Blair Witch Project' eh? Here's the website: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/sexyblogger/
So what better choice than this picture of Wendy Cheng as my very first (ok, second) successful posted picture? Besides, this would hopefully get me a few more hits. I am such an attention whore, it's no longer funny.
BTW, no, I won't send in a picture of myself in that website. Not until I shave my faint moustache and trim my a little anyway.
Congratulations on my sister for using her very first paycheck to buy not a dress, not a pair of shoes, and thankfully not yet another handbag, but something we both can use - the Apple iPod ShuffleTM. I'd post pictures of it, but I keep forgetting to ask my dad to get the camera out of the car.
EDIT: I've wanted you guys to use the comment system under my posts for eons. So because of that, I'm considering crapping the tagboard. Good idea? Bad idea? Click on the comment link to answer please. ;)
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