Thursday, June 30, 2005
ONE World, ONE Voice
Bet you're wondering if there's any free charity?
There isn't.
But this is close.
ONE: The Campaign to Make Poverty History
You may have seen that ad on MTV with Brad Pitt, Bono, Bob Geldof, Cameron Diaz and countless others. This is the website that ad advertises. You guys may be burned by too many charity shows, but I bet you still want to help in any way. Well, here it is. Go to that website, sign that letter to George W Bush, sign the ONE declaration and make your voice be heard. I don't mean too sound preachy, but damn it all, the fact that there are still hungry children and poverty in Africa, Asia, even in the United States and right here in Singapore makes me sick. And AIDS of course. We may preach about safe sex and condoms, but the fact is for some, it's too late for that. Together as one, the world may be able to force the leaders at the G8 conference in Scotland in 7 days to do something. Increase aid to poor countries. Cancel their debts 100%. And you can do it with a few clicks of the mouse and some typing with the keyboard. Go to the ONE shop to buy shirts and wristbands to show your support. Besides, they look good, don't they?
In case you don't get this message from reading my blog, I'm going to e-mail every single person in my address book I can to make sure this message is heard. That's how serious I am.
And watch the Live 8 concert this Saturday, either on Channel 01 & 26 on Starhub, or at CHIJMES. It starts at 9PM.
ONE World.
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Perfect 10 is no more.....
In case you just listened in to 987 FM and wondered what the heck is Sweet Child O' Mine doing on the so-called hippest station in Singapore and who is that ang-moh sounding DJ and what happened to Jamie, I'll tell you. It seems MediaCorp decided to mix things up and moved all the DJs to different slots and also "broaden the musical horizons". In order words, they decided to finally get a clue and stop playing hip-hop, or at least not 90% of the time. I mean, bloody hell, the amount of hip-hop in the station just last week, I nearly vomit blood.
In case you didn't noticed, I don't like hip-hop.
Now, there's more oldies, more chill-out music, and most importantly, more local music. Not just Parking Lot Freakin' Pimp.
As for the the DJs, they're all in different slots now. In fact, for a while, the Perfect 10 website showed the new schedule in the About Us. But then they decided they wanted to surprise us and replaced it with the old schedule. Fishy.
Lucky that I have a good memory.
Now if you want to be surprised, DON'T LOOK!
I'll tell you when it's time to look in bold.
Monday to Thursday
6-10am: Vernon A and Justin Ang
10am-2pm: Jamie Yeo
2pm-5pm: Carrie Chong
5pm-8pm: Daniel Ong
8pm-11pm: Grace Chua
11pm-2am: Shan Wee (from Eye on a Guy 2)
About the same, except
8pm-9pm: 987 Top 10 (not 20, 10) with Jamie Yeo
Can't remember the times, but they're in the afternoon
987 Home
987 Reloaded
US Top 20
The Edge
987 Top 10 repeat
Don & Drew Show
You can look now.
So, in essence, you take 987's most popular DJ (Jamie), and dump her in the 10am-2pm slot, when her most ardent fans, the students, will be in school and no where near a radio. What in the heck is the logic in that?
Me on the other hand has the time to listen in on her new shift. Heck, I even called in to wish her well. And actually got through which is a first. Don't think she remembered me. Ah well. She did sound a little less cheery than usual. But give her time. Give the station time. If you don't like the changes now, you will soon, if you really love 98.7FM.
And yeah, Jamie said the station doesn't use the name Perfect 10 anymore. I don't get that either, but again, oh well.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Which Blogger am I?
Congratulations Hafiz, you are...
Photo temporarily removed because it's wreaking havoc on my blog
'Xia Xue' Wendy Cheng of
You are a goddess/god. You've got the looks, the brains and the body. You have such an irreverent sense of humour, people listen to you religiously and worship the ground you walk on. On the other hand you can also be straightforward, blunt and very very controversial. That has the potential to offend many people, but of course you don't care, you just shoot. In the end, people either love you or hate you. Nothing in between.
So how come my face never appear at Channel News Asia, hmmmmm?
Which Malaysian Blogger are you?
Congratulations Hafiz, you are...
Joyce the Fairy of
If you are a car, your fuel of choice would be unleaded alcohol. You are a major party animal with an unnatural obsession with art, toys and all things fantasy. You think the world is too complicated and you wished it could be as simple as it was when you were 7 years old. You live with it. You work hard, but you don't take for granted the simple things in life that make you happy. Sweet candy, cartoon music, crazy friends, all these and more make you a happy person living in your own little world.
Well, slap me silly. That's more or less right. Of course, I'm no party animal. No chance to be one. Yet. Mwahahaha.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Earworm of the moment
Don't Cha by The Pussycat Dolls
This is mad! I don't even have a girlfriend so that I can wish I had she was hot and a freak like those girls. So why won't this song leave my head?!
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Nice point...
"Singapore conservative? Bullshit.
You know Singapore isn’t a conservative society. Conservative societies are driven by religion, Singapore, is driven by money. If you can’t comprehend that, let me put this horrid, hard fact to you this way: We are a capitalistic society."
Poor girl. Hounded by the world and his dog and its fleas because of that photo. Ah well, she wants us to shut up, so I at least will shut up. But really, I do hope she puts up at least some more photos of herself. Not to satisfy my out-of-control hormones (I'll get to that some day), but to stay true to herself and prove she doesn't give a crap what other people think. They don't even have to be nude pictures. But I'm not going to start telling her what she should or should not do with her blog so on this issue, my thoughts end here.
So what am I going to talk about today?
I got nuthin'.
Sorry folks. No MeeSoto Musings today.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Who says Singaporean women are shy?
Truth be told, I'm surprised something like this hasn't happened earlier. All that talk we've been hearing about free speech on the internet? This is one damn good example. Like it or hate it.
What do I think?
As a cultural expert on nude shots: The photographer uses both the shadowing effect and the black & white effect to excellent use to show the true beauty of the female body, every curve accentuating the sexuality of the subject.
As a horny teenage boy: WAH!!! SHIOK AAAAHHH!!!! Nipples are a little bit too big for my taste though.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Holy two part post, Batman!
We have a special blog post today! A two-parter!
Part 1
You all know life has its 'What If...' moments right? Right now, I have three of 'em. In my ongoing attempt to be more open I'm going to let you guys in on 'em. 2 of those 'What Ifs', some of you may have heard, maybe a little too many times. One, I've kept to myself all these years.
What If No. 1: ...I had asked Shikin out a little earlier?
This, of course, I have mentioned so many times, I think people are getting sick about it. But what can I say? In the 19 years and 4 months I've been on this planet, no other female has inspired in me such feelings of love and joy and sorrow that I nearly burst into from the inside. And that's only when I simply look at her! Another thing I rue is the fact that I didn't talk to her nearly enough. I've forgotten what she sounded like.
Nevertheless, I had to get over her. I had to. Obsessing about her even as she was dating another boy was not healthy. So right now, as of this moment, I am glad to say, I have FINALLY gotten over her. Time really is a great healer, huh? I figured, Life goes on. At least she's happy, many fishes in the sea, bla bla bla. But you want to know what really made me get over her?
This. She looks good, no doubts there. But instead of being the girl I know and almost loved I remembered back in YISS, in those pictures, she now reminds me of 'GASP' my sister.
You can't imagine how much of a turn-off that is.
So, if I ever see Shikin again (maybe this Hari Raya), I don't expect to freeze and babble and come close to fainting like I once did. Instead, I will smile, greet her, and treat her just like my sister. Ok, a little nicer than that.
What If no. 2: ...I had auditioned for Merchant of Venice?
Again, this is something I have mentioned time and again. For the record, I didn't audition because I had to register for my IC. You could say I should have gone earlier. And you'd be right. But I had no idea where to go then, so my dad had to bring me there. Thing is, he was only free at the very last day of registering. The very same day of the auditions. So here's my choice, Register and don't audition, I won't get a part in the play. Vice versa, I get hit with a fine. Easy choice right?
No such problems for my sis, who auditioned and got a role as an extra, which I wouldn't have minded. Really, I would have played a dead body just to get on that stage.
Anyhow, thanks to my IT club, I did get to film the play using a digital camera. One perk of that: a backstage pass. Better than nothing I suppose. Only used it once, to get a Coke from the vending machine. Yep, excellent perks.
So to round off this particular 'What If', three things about the lady who played 'Portia' in Merchant of Venice.
1) I never knew she existed before the play.
2) The first we met face to face, I had to pay the fine for an overdue library book. I didn't have the money, so she, who was standing next to me, paid it for me. As of now, I still owe her 10 cents. BTW, that book? William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice.
3) She's the only girl other than Shikin I've asked out. Well, what can I say? She is hot in her own special way. Too bad, like Shikin, I was a few months too late.
I have GOT to work on my timing.
I'll leave the 3rd What If for another time, shall I? Yes, I think I shall.
Part 2
A short Part really. It's about the Caped Crusader, the Dark Knight, the Scourge of Gotham's Criminals, the master of countless martial arts, the wearer of a funny-looking costume and the holder of a criminally high amount of cash.
Honestly, if I have to say his name, you really should watch more TV. It's not as bad as they say it is, you know!
Back in 2002, someone said that the reason Spider-Man beat Star Wars Episode II was because the public prefers superheroes over sci-fi.
Well, here's a chance to test that theory again.
Ah, but Batman Begins isn't like Spider-Man. It's dark and serious and broody and depressing and scary as fcuk.
Bahriah, I think you're going to LOVE this movie.
Just like I went and watched Episode III because it ws Star Wars, I'm going to watch Batman Begins for a similar reason. It's Batman. Plain and simple.
Batman as it should have been.
One more thing before I go: I've cut my hair and shave my moustache. And now, at that risk of sounding conceited, I say this: DAMN! I look GOOD!
Friday, June 10, 2005
Episode III: The Overdue Review
Let's split the movie in 3 parts: The first 20 minutes, the nezt 40 or so minutes, and the final hour.
First 20 minutes: Now how can you not geek out at possibly the 2nd greatest space battle of all time? (First being Return of the Jedi) If the battle doesn't get your blood pumping, you must be General Grievous's long lost kid (Grievous by the way is a disappointment, nowhere near Darth Maul in the cool ratings). R2-D2 practically steals the show here, being the kick-ass robot we know he is.
Next 40 or so minutes: The weak link of the movie. Anakin and Padme's scenes, while an improvement, are still a bore. In fact, this whole stretch of the film is very talky, it bogs down the movie. With the exception of Palpatine. He is the star of the movie.
Final hour: This is the part I really wanted to see. Obi-Wan fighting Grievous. Palpatine mind-f*&king Anakin. Mace's final scene. The last 2 fights are the highlights. Yoda vs Palpatine pits the most powerful Jedi with the most powerful Sith. And it sizzles like steak. (That means it rocks) (Note about Yoda: In the cinema I watched it in, there were these 2 girls who kept saying about Yoda: SO CUUUTE!!!! I mean, ok, he is a little, but come on!) Anakin vs Obi-Wan, well it was a bit of a let-down. The fight itself I mean. The atmosphere, the repartee are just awesome. And the end of the fight, I admit, I nearly cried. Nearly, mind you. Which leads to my favourite scene, Darth Vader reborn. I tell you, I nearly pissed my pants hearing the first Vader breath and seeing Vader stand up. The 'NOOOOOOO!'? Well, ok, maybe it should be replaced by a mournful cry. 'AAARRRRRRGH!'
Well, that looks like a rush job doesn't it? Told you I'm lazy. Well, that's my review and I'm sticking to it. Rating: $9.00 out of a maximum $9.50
Monday, June 06, 2005
Ding Ding a Bing a Ding
I love music. It can please you, depress you, make you laugh, make you hurl. And right now, in the UK, a ringtone is making everyone lose their lunch.
See, this ringtone is the very first one ever to make it to Number 1 in the UK charts. Now everyone's calling it the Death of Music as we know it. Which is complete rubbish. I mean, if pop music can survive the era of the Boybands in the late 90s, it can survive anything. Anyway, the song in question is Crazy Frog's Axel F, combining the Crazy Frog ringtone (which is basically a guy trying to mimic the sound a scooter makes) and the theme from the movie Beverly Hills Cop.
I have a soft spot for cheesy techno music. Blame it on all the times I've heard those techno songs from the carnivals and pasar malams when I was a kid. Clicking on that link above will lead you to the video of Crazy Frog's Axel F, and you will realize that that song is one of the absolute best examples of "cheesy techno music" ever.
Me? Heck, I like it. I might even buy the ringtone, just to piss those music purists off.
Because I feel a little insane, here are the lyrics:
Beh-ding ding ding ding dididing ding bing bing pscht,
Dorhrm bom bom bedom bem bom bedom bom bum ba ba bom bom,
Bouuuuum bom bom bedahm, Bom be barbedarm bedabedabedabeda
Bbrrrrrimm bbrrrrramm bbbrrrrrrrrraammmmm ddddddraammm,
Bah bah baah baah ba wheeeeeee-eeeee-eeeee!