Bet you're wondering if there's any free charity?
There isn't.
But this is close.
ONE: The Campaign to Make Poverty History
You may have seen that ad on MTV with Brad Pitt, Bono, Bob Geldof, Cameron Diaz and countless others. This is the website that ad advertises. You guys may be burned by too many charity shows, but I bet you still want to help in any way. Well, here it is. Go to that website, sign that letter to George W Bush, sign the ONE declaration and make your voice be heard. I don't mean too sound preachy, but damn it all, the fact that there are still hungry children and poverty in Africa, Asia, even in the United States and right here in Singapore makes me sick. And AIDS of course. We may preach about safe sex and condoms, but the fact is for some, it's too late for that. Together as one, the world may be able to force the leaders at the G8 conference in Scotland in 7 days to do something. Increase aid to poor countries. Cancel their debts 100%. And you can do it with a few clicks of the mouse and some typing with the keyboard. Go to the ONE shop to buy shirts and wristbands to show your support. Besides, they look good, don't they?
In case you don't get this message from reading my blog, I'm going to e-mail every single person in my address book I can to make sure this message is heard. That's how serious I am.
And watch the Live 8 concert this Saturday, either on Channel 01 & 26 on Starhub, or at CHIJMES. It starts at 9PM.
ONE World.
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