Now then, I would like to announce that I've gotten a job. A REAL job this time, not the usual job I say I have.
Generic Person: "You working currently?"
Me: "Oh yeah, I'm a professional loafer, while having a side job as an amateur gamer"
Original Sin is the name of the "lucky" restaurant which hired me. Now, usually, I'd take some time to talk about the less...pleasing aspects of the restaurant, but really, all those reports about people being fired because their blogs weren't hyping their companies as the Biggest Thing Coming to your HomeTM. And who knows how many spies this restaurant has hired? (One of the owners is Italian, and he strongly reminds me of Don Corleone.) So I'll just say that vegetarian foods (which they serve) aren't my cup of tea and leave it at that. Oh, and the music they keep playing (and replaying. And replaying. Ad Infinitum) can make Gandhi unleash his inner Shiva.
And at the moment, it's Fasting Month again! Until the 3rd of November, no eating, drinking, smoking, gossiping, cursing, playing the fool, even digging the nose, basically being the Principal's Dream Pupil. From dawn to dusk. For a full month. For all my Muslim friends. good luck to you all. For all my non-Muslim friends, stop making fun of us and try it. If you can work a busy 4-hour Lunch shift in a restaurant without once eating a grain of bread or a drop of water, then you can come and talk.
So basically, the best thing we realy can do during this holiest of holy months is this:
Now if you'll excuse me, Desperate Housewives has finished downloading. (I heart Bree. I know, I 'm surprised myself.)
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