Saturday, December 30, 2006

Since I probably won't have time tomorrow, I'll just do the obligatory New Year's Resolution thing now.

Let's see, Lose Weight; Get Better Social Life; Get Better Life, Period; Get Rid of Acne; Be Happy......

Eh, same old, same old.

Well, here's a new one: Try to Grow Up. I've complained about being treated like a 15 year old by my parents when in fact I've acted like one a good many times. And I'm turning 21 in 2 months. It's about time, yah?

And I suppose: Be less "amneble for coercion" (thanks, Lost!). In other words, try not to be taken advantaged of so much, so easily. I cannot let people treat me like a mattress all the damn time! But it's so hard. My parents did too good a job in drilling me into a nice, gentle person. It's a bit of a stretch, being tough and fierce, as those firefighters keep telling me to be (one of the all too few things coming out of their mouths that are actually worth something). But, I've seen a bit of the real world, and it's really dog-eat-dog-and-cat-and-bat out there.

Joe Jackson once admitted he should've made his son Michael more aware of the fact that people aren't all nice and respectful. It became so that Michael may as well lie down and paint "WELCOME" on his torso. That won't be me. That can't be me.

Last one: Stop Caring About What People Think Of My Eccentricities. I probably need to tone it down a little, but I'm a bit proud (Another one: Start Being A LOT More Proud). It's the one thing about me that I can say separates me from everyone else. Oh, and Stop Trying So Hard To Be Different. Seriously. It's embarrassing.

Nothing else but to wish you a Merry Aidiladha, and a Happy New Year.

Alright then, nothing for it. In about 24 hours will begin what may well be a watershed year for me. 2 Double-0 7, here I come.


Satan: Welcome to Hell, Mr. Saddam. I've been expecting you.
Saddam: Thank you. I brought you flowers.
Satan: Awww! You shouldn't have!
(lecherous looks exchanged)

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Nenek's just arrived in Casa de Wahid.

See, this means three things:


2) Seeing as Hari Raya Haji is this Sunday, with Nenek here, the family will of course be obliged to hold an open house. And, my parents, they're very, shall we say, enthusiastic about these sort of things. Anyway, what this means is that the house will be chock full of family members. And there's a fair number of them.

3) And as you may have noticed, this Sunday's also New Year's Eve. Should be fun counting down with the good buddies. Should be. Maybe I can get out to celebrate, despite what my mother says ("WHERE CAN?! MUST STAY HOME, ENTERTAIN OUR GUESTS!"). You know what, I'll ask again.

Ok, that didn't go well.

Entertaining my relatives for Hari Raya is all well and good, for most of the day. But staying at home on the night of New Year's Eve, for the 20th straight year?!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

"I'll see you in hell, Pachelbel!"

An insightful look at how today's contemporary music basically rips off Pachelbel's Canon in D.

Adding Green Day, Avril Lavigne AND Twisted Sister in there was a nice touch.

Hey, look! A post in the wee hours of the morning!

So I just found out about this sub-genre of rock (one out of a gazillion trillion) called Mathcore. It's basically bands playing their songs in the key of Pythagoras' Theorem. Actually, no. It's just bands playing in some really extremely super-dupery complex structures...ok, basically, you need a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics to write a Mathcore song. Well, no, you don't, but man, it sure feels like it.

Oh, just look it up in Wikipedia. Suffice to say, I've probably found my new favourite genre. Or sub-genre. Wonder how long till I find another genre (or sub-genre) to replace it as my new favourite?

And why did Pitchfork, they of the snobbish pretentious musical tastes and reviews, they who gave Muse's Black Holes and Revelations an unbelievably low 4.2 out of 10, give their No. 1 Song of the Year to Justin Timberlake's My Love? The mind boggles.

I mean, Sexy Back's far more catchier!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Last Tuesday was probably Mother Nature going through a little PMS. It's not everyday when you have to outrun a minor landslide. I mean, freakin' hell, I like my boots and pants nice and unsoiled, thank you very much.

I remember a huge storm back in kindergarten (near where I currently live). The sky was the darkest of blue, the trees were doing the limbo and the rain splattering on the windows sounded like gunfire. A practical hurricane. Being 5 years old, we all loved it of course and wanted to go play outside, giving our teacher a few more grey hairs under her tudung. What I remember most from that day was sitting in the classroom, with a hot cup of Milo that the teacher made me and sitting on her lap (yes, I was a teacher's pet, now please stop laughing, you're gonna break a rib) and watching the storm play out.

A lovely feeling it was.

I could do practically the same last Tuesday, replacing the classroom with The Office and the teacher with one of the lady firefighters. But noooo, Captain K had to make me go out there to Headquarters to send one lousy fire report. In a lorry. In the middle of Singapore's 3rd (only?) biggest storm in 75 (only?) years.

My mom, bless her stubborn soul, still asked if I had showered when she came home.

It was quite something though, seeing the numerous landslides, uprooted trees, road accidents, umbrella-less fools running around and through it all, the driver wanting to set a record for most drifts on the PIE.

A wet, memorable Tuesday.

Monday, December 18, 2006

The links are back up. But, seeing as my parents do see this blog from time to time and check out the links to see if I'm interacting with the "right" people, nobody I linked is related to me. I don't want a cousin knocking my block off because her mom found her blog through my mom through my blog.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

If you've ever used or created content on websites such as Blogger, MySpace or YouTube, then guess what?

Congratulations! You are Time Magazine's Person of the Year 2006!

Your mom would be so proud...

Friday, December 15, 2006

Ok then. After thinking about it long and hard....ok, just hard, it wasn't very long to be honest, I've decided, no hiatus. I just won't post so much for the next few weeks. Fresh out of stuff to write about. And as I've said countless times, quitting this blog will never be an option.

So, yeah.

Well, ok, there is something to blog about. And it's in the link below.

SuperHappyFunTime Christmas (987fm Listener's Edition) - Don & Drew

Disclaimer: Neither the Meesotofreak, Don & Drew or 987fm (a division of MediaCorp Radio) will not be held responsible for any ears bleeding, brain swelling or pitchfork poking that may, nay, will happen after listening to the above MP3.

After the little conversation with my new good friend Missunpredictable (fellow singer) and Carrie, which you may feel free to skip, though why you want to, seeing as it's Carrie talking, I have no idea, wow, this sentence is digressing real nicely, you will begin to hear the beginning of quite possibly the most heinous butchering of a Christmas song ever recorded. And I'm in it. And yes, I do take some perverse pride in that.

Though honestly, we can't all be Hady Mirzas. Though if we were all Paul Twohills, wouldn't this world be a nicer place?

Maybe I'll write something about the recording of the song last Sunday and the video recording earlier today. But later. Right now, I have Half-Life 2: Episode 1 to finish.

But in a nutshell, it was a blast (crap song notwithstanding) and a dream come true to visit the 987 studios. Recording a song with Don & Drew is the bonus. And meeting all those wonderful nut jobs (and I say that in the most complimentary way) that auditioned through the Muttons in the Morning show to get the chance to sing, was my pleasure. As will be remembering all your names.

To think I planned for this to be a short post. Ok then, I'll wrap up with the hope that I will get started on that blog post I've been wanting to write since last Sunday. Oh, and two words:

Sucky Sucky!

P.S. Don was right. The world would be a better place if all songs had vomiting sounds in them.

Yesterday, *BLUEEEK*
All my troubles *BLUEEEK* seem so far aUEEEEK...

Friday, December 08, 2006


Yo! This is Fyz, that little voice in The Fiz's head that tells him to do stuff like toss banana peels in the middle of the PIE or stuff his head in a basket full of rats. Fiz can't blog because...well, because he can't be bothered. He's not quitting, he just wants a break. Personally, I think he's starting to realise what a whiny asshole he's been on more than once occasion the past few months.

Oops, there I go again. I may be an imaginary figment of Fiz's head and all round bad influence, but damn, it's so pitiful to see him mope in his room on his bed...oh look, there he goes again. Huh. I'm starting to think that guy will never change. But no matter, I'm not giving up on him. And I should remind certain people out there that you shouldn't too. Soft-hearted fool he may be, but he's OUR soft-hearted fool!

So, in a nutshell, The Fiz wants me to say something on his behalf, though why I bother writing it at all....anyway, he's going to be on hiatus. For how long? Damn if I know. Maybe two years, months, he could simply decide to start writing again sometime next week....oh, you are? Right, right, I'll tell them. Ok, one more post next week (on this blog at least) and the hiatus begins.

So there. It's done. Now write your own bloody announcements next time, Fiz. And stop sucking your thumb, for goodness sake, man, your're nearly 21 years old!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I am me. A guy with a lot of issues, one of them being chronic shyness. Not as bad as last time of course, when boys and girls in primary school who wanted to be friends with me kept approaching me and I kept running away, asking them to leave me alone, why are you following me, I want to be by myself, WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME?! That sort of thing.

These days of course, the whole social thing comes a lot easier, especially to those who wants to be friends with me. Maybe some of those people at the Station probably do want to be friends, but boy, do they have a funny way of showing it. Is teasing really part of the friendship rituals between guys in NS? BTW, the whole "ignore them" thing? Not really working. It's just harmless jokery-pokery, nothing to get grey hairs about, they're just having fun. At my expense. Ah, the perils of being a soft-hearted fool.

Excuse me, what? Oh yeah, I digress. As I've said, I'm a shy guy. Not as shy before, but still shy enough for it to be a major problem in life.

No, no major rant here. Just wanted to say that considering how shy I am, calling in on Dan & Young's show earlier today and not cocking up, not even one "ummm" or "uhh", unlike the last time I called in (ok, technically, they called me) - it shouldn't be that much of a big deal. But it is, oh, it is for me.


It's been a hectic week. I'm swamped with more than usual of the mundane paperwork and form-filling during the day, and at night: a 7 day trial version of World of Warcraft.

I'm tired. That's not a cryptic way of saying I'm sick of this life (though it's not far off.). Seriously, I'm pooped. And there's this Saturday to think about too.

And as you can see from the above, my writing's all over place. Time for a recharge, methink.

Time for me to stop trying to be the blogger(s) I'm not.

Friday, December 01, 2006

The computer's finally in my room, with a new 5mbps wireless Broadband plan to go with it.

And yet, I still feel that life is shit.

What am I, addicted to misery?

I have to admit, it's getting better
It's getting better, all the time...

Monday, November 27, 2006

Worryingly accurate...

Global Personality Test Results
Stability (26%) low which suggests you are very worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.
Orderliness (33%) moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.
Extraversion (46%) medium which suggests you average somewhere in between being assertive and social and being withdrawn and solitary.
Take Free Global Personality Test
personality tests by

"Thinking meat?"

(This has been floating in the web for awhile. No worries, the author doesn't mind.)


by Terry Bisson

"They're made out of meat."


"Meat. They're made out of meat."


"There's no doubt about it. We picked up several from different parts of the planet, took them aboard our recon vessels, and probed them all the way through. They're completely meat."

"That's impossible. What about the radio signals? The messages to the stars?"

"They use the radio waves to talk, but the signals don't come from them. The signals come from machines."

"So who made the machines? That's who we want to contact."

"They made the machines. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Meat made the machines."

"That's ridiculous. How can meat make a machine? You're asking me to believe in sentient meat."

"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. These creatures are the only sentient race in that sector and they're made out of meat."

"Maybe they're like the orfolei. You know, a carbon-based intelligence that goes through a meat stage."

"Nope. They're born meat and they die meat. We studied them for several of their life spans, which didn't take long. Do you have any idea what's the life span of meat?"

"Spare me. Okay, maybe they're only part meat. You know, like the weddilei. A meat head with an electron plasma brain inside."

"Nope. We thought of that, since they do have meat heads, like the weddilei. But I told you, we probed them. They're meat all the way through."

"No brain?"

"Oh, there's a brain all right. It's just that the brain is made out of meat! That's what I've been trying to tell you."

"So ... what does the thinking?"

"You're not understanding, are you? You're refusing to deal with what I'm telling you. The brain does the thinking. The meat."

"Thinking meat! You're asking me to believe in thinking meat!"

"Yes, thinking meat! Conscious meat! Loving meat. Dreaming meat. The meat is the whole deal! Are you beginning to get the picture or do I have to start all over?"

"Omigod. You're serious then. They're made out of meat."

"Thank you. Finally. Yes. They are indeed made out of meat. And they've been trying to get in touch with us for almost a hundred of their years."

"Omigod. So what does this meat have in mind?"

"First it wants to talk to us. Then I imagine it wants to explore the Universe, contact other sentiences, swap ideas and information. The usual."

"We're supposed to talk to meat."

"That's the idea. That's the message they're sending out by radio. 'Hello. Anyone out there. Anybody home.' That sort of thing."

"They actually do talk, then. They use words, ideas, concepts?"
"Oh, yes. Except they do it with meat."

"I thought you just told me they used radio."

"They do, but what do you think is on the radio? Meat sounds. You know how when you slap or flap meat, it makes a noise? They talk by flapping their meat at each other. They can even sing by squirting air through their meat."

"Omigod. Singing meat. This is altogether too much. So what do you advise?"

"Officially or unofficially?"


"Officially, we are required to contact, welcome and log in any and all sentient races or multibeings in this quadrant of the Universe, without prejudice, fear or favor. Unofficially, I advise that we erase the records and forget the whole thing."

"I was hoping you would say that."

"It seems harsh, but there is a limit. Do we really want to make contact with meat?"

"I agree one hundred percent. What's there to say? 'Hello, meat. How's it going?' But will this work? How many planets are we dealing with here?"

"Just one. They can travel to other planets in special meat containers, but they can't live on them. And being meat, they can only travel through C space. Which limits them to the speed of light and makes the possibility of their ever making contact pretty slim. Infinitesimal, in fact."

"So we just pretend there's no one home in the Universe."

"That's it."

"Cruel. But you said it yourself, who wants to meet meat? And the ones who have been aboard our vessels, the ones you probed? You're sure they won't remember?"

"They'll be considered crackpots if they do. We went into their heads and smoothed out their meat so that we're just a dream to them."

"A dream to meat! How strangely appropriate, that we should be meat's dream."

"And we marked the entire sector unoccupied."

"Good. Agreed, officially and unofficially. Case closed. Any others? Anyone interesting on that side of the galaxy?"

"Yes, a rather shy but sweet hydrogen core cluster intelligence in a class nine star in G445 zone. Was in contact two galactic rotations ago, wants to be friendly again."

"They always come around."

"And why not? Imagine how unbearably, how unutterably cold the Universe would be if one were all alone ..."

the end

Saturday, November 18, 2006

600 days until Pink IC day.

And for the first time in 4 weeks, I'm staying at home on a Saturday night instead of being out with my friends.

I don't like it, but hey, who does?

So, this is what it feels to have a social life. I like it. Sure, it's a headache sometime, but it's better than that suffocating feeling of loneliness.

-ahem- If anybody wants to bring me out to roam the city and paint it pink, I wouldn't mind.....

Friday, November 17, 2006

The Meesotofreak's Patented 3-Step Heart Test

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Search for "ps3"

Step 3: Take a glance at the prices being offered for the limited number of PlayStation 3 consoles available right now.

If you haven't suffered a heart attack at this point, then congratulations! Your heart is in tip-top shape!

(Although, quite frankly, if you don't get even a little heartburn after seeing those prices.....)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

The after-effects of a trip to the Arts Museum...

Surfing the net, I saw something called "the most influential Art pieces of all time". Naturally, I took a glance.

This was numero uno.

That's right. A humble urinal. You know, those little things in the toilet where all you need to do is point and shoot.

It's official name is Fountain by Marcel Duchamp. My first thought obviously, "Excuse me, this is the most influential art piece of all time? All he did is grab it from a toilet, sign it and placed it on a pedestal! I may as well take a picture of my messy bed and sell that as art!" Then I read that someone already did that. Huh.

Then I started thinking about this. Obviously, this piece can't possibly be just about its aesthetics, how it looks. Because hey, a urinal's a urinal, right?

I started to wonder, what CAN be considered true Art? I mean, following Duchamp's example, I could simply take, say, an empty hangar from my wardrobe, hang it on a clothesline full of hangars with clothes and call it an example of the emptiness an unemployed person feels.

Or maybe take the wardrobe itself, open the doors to reveal the untidy mess inside and compare it to the untidy mess of its owner, and indeed, everyone around me.

Or maybe take a piece of marble, put it in the middle of a rickety stool, and say that the marble represents anybody who's at the edge of insanity. One little nudge on the stool is all it takes for the marble to fall.

Or, take this picture:

Simple picture of a mother holding her newborn. Also can be seen as a metaphor, i.e. the baby a new nation and the mother, its citizens in charge of nurturing it to survive in the world.

How about this picture:

A heavily pixellated picture of a clump of hair? Or shall we compare the hair to, say, the evil that exists in the world and the pixellation to our inability to see it, to comprehend it fully?

Or heck, this one:

(Picture, hypothesis of said picture and lame "hair-eating vampires" joke removed because the owner of the picture has threatened severe bodily harm to me for not asking permission from her first. Remember kids, stealing is bad!)

You may call any or all the above superfluous pieces which can't be considered art at all. But are you really certain? And that, I realize for me, is the point of Fountain. It makes you think, "What is Art?".

Me, I think anything can be considered art. My whole life could be considered a performance art work of immensely dull proportions. All you need is a keen eye, and some intelligence. Because you'll need them to see beyond that photo in your album which may or may not be just a simple photo of your cat eating its plate of lasagna.

Or you could make stuff up. That's what I did. That's what I suspect a lot of artists do.

All these thoughts about Fountain are my own. And you'll probably have your own thoughts too. That's the final beauty of this work, of art in general: it can mean anything to anyone, no one idea being the definitive, no one person having the correct answer. It may even mean nothing at all, mirroring the fact that our lives have ultimately no meaning, since eventually, they end. What is the point of this art piece? Ergo, what is the point of life itself?

Heh. Not bad for a piss pot.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ah, what the heck...

My top 8 myspace friends
The Questions
How did you meet 6?:The legendary
Why are you friends with 3?:Our incurable love of Milo.
Is 7 in a relationship?:To her ever-increasing annoyance, No.
Have you kissed 1?:Nah. She'd probably migrate if I tried.
Have you hugged 4?:Nope.
Have you done anything sexual with 6?:No. (Damn you, Alex...)
Would 1 and 8 make a good couple?:I'm sure they'll have a lovely time playing chess together.
How long have you know 2?:My whole flippin' life.
Would you ever kiss 7?:Probably not, I've already traumatized her TWICE.
Whats a good memory with 5?:I'm not sure, that kick to my head from her gave me mild amnesia.
Ever hugged 8?:Yes, sir, and lucky I did, or my head would have exploded.
Do you love 4?:Like my own sister. Wait, that's not a good example...
Is 5 nice?:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....oh, you were serious?
How did you meet 3?:Once again, the great
Who makes you laugh?:Why, everyone, in their own special way
Who makes you smile?:See above.
When was the last time you saw 4?:Hari Raya, hari yang mulia, bla bla bla
Would 3 and 6 make a cute couple?:Would they ever! -drools-
Does 8 love you?:I asked. She gave me a dirty look.
Do you see 3 a lot?:In person? Not once.
Describe 4 in 3 words?:Mrs Thom Yorke
What would you buy 1 for their birthday?:An "I Heart Stephie" T-Shirt
Have you traveled anywhere with 5?:I suppose a 10 minute bus ride counts.
Do you have fun with 7?:Almost always a blast chatting on MSN with her.
Is 2 a cool person?:In her own specially grumpy way, yeah.
Who is the loudest?:I'd say Bahriah (probably) and Anieshia (most definitely)
Do any of them get on your nerves sometimes?:Strangely enough, not one.
Do you know when 6's birthday is?:Uh oh...
What do you really think of 3?:She's a sexy sheila, she is.
Best memory with 4?:Hmmm, nothing's jumping out. Hey, Fizah, let's go make some new memories, eh?
Does 1 even know you?:Well, yeah!
Is 5 happy?:Give her Daniel Ong gift-wrapped and naked and she will be.
Does 7 live close?:If by close, you mean I can see her house from my window, then no.
Do you have any classes with 2?:No. Probably for the best, we'd probably strangle each other if we're working on a project.
Have you and 3 ever hooked up?:Bit hard to do that when she's 1000 kilometers away.
Are you and 8 close?:5 years of friendship and counting!
Do you wanna kiss 4?:If I wanted a fat lip, yeah.
Is 6 a good person?:One of the best, mates!
Does 2 own a car?:I'm not sure if she even wants one.
How did you choose your Top 8?:First come, first served
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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My mama always told me: "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

I remembered that little saying as I opened a box of chocolates a firefighter got for his birthday from his girlfriend, took a bite out of one piece of chocolate and saw a cute little half-eaten worm squirming around in the chocolate. Another one of life's small ironies for you.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

So this is what having money problems feel like. No thanks, I'll pass.

What do you mean there's no return policy?!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Would someone please give me a boost to my ego? Thank you.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

So what excited me the most about Hari Raya two days ago? The 50 dollars I got from my dear sweet aunts and uncles, and the release of Firefox 2 (Pssst! Get it!). Yup, that's about it.

Damn, I must be more jaded than I thought.

Monday, October 23, 2006

The crescent was up, shrouded with haze.

Appropriate, no?

The carpets are laid, the floor is swept, the rooms are painted, the sister's hair is rebonded, the clothes are bought, the bak chang (or whatever) is cooked, the kueh is laid on the table. The die is cast.

The folks will make me wear that purple baju kurung, that uncomfortable samping and a happy look on my face. I'm going to ask for their forgiveness, and they'll give it.

There'll be the usual family gathering for my Dad's side, I hear at Fizah's house? Maybe the aunts and uncles will forget Singapore Idol. Or my Dad won't tell them about my radio boo-boo. There'll be merry-making. There'll be gossiping. The twins' cheeks will be pinched till they get nice and rosy. And I'll go give Nenek a hug. When no one's watching.

Same old, same old. That can't be a bad thing, can it?

Selamat Hari Raya, everyone.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

My last 2 Fridays

Chicken cream pasta.

Makeup shopping with the gal pals.


My very first game of pool.

Starbucks Caffe Mocha.

My best day at work.

A friend out of the DJ competition.

Potato chips @ Long John Silver's.

A country club.

Bowling (and my first strike!).

More pool (and my first outright win!).

A happy reunion with an old poly mate.

And all throughout, lots of shoe-gazing and cash-spending.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Food, oh so Glorious Food. It nourishes us. Gives us life. Gives us strength. Gives us babats.

The babats. The babats! I love saying the word, but I don't want to actually lug 'em around in my ever expanding waistline.

Damn you, Singapore, with your cheap and delicious hawker fare!

And while I'm at it, just how many Starbucks are there in Orchard Road? I love their overpriced coffee and bagels just like any other faux hipster, but this is getting ridicul...ooh, iced Frappacinos with chocolate sprinkles!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I like a little camp now and then, but...

...the thought of possibly hearing David Hasselhoff on 987 from next week onwards chills me to the bones.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I am currently taking a well-deserved dose of my own medicine. And it is indescribably bad.

I love it when Dear Ole' Dad cooks. You can always expect the unexpected. For example, he once tried mixing fettucini with custard sauce and durians. It looked good, it tasted...not good. But most of the time, I wonder how often did he spend time with his mummy (Nenek, chef extraodinaire!) in the kitchen.

I didn't tell him this (didn't need another smug look from him), but the Char Kway Teow he made for buka? THE BEST! Damn, talk about your "orgasmic" pleasures.

Two more days to pay day and a trip to Vivo!

In other news, my favourite search engine just bought my favourite video site.

Forgive them their shit-eating grins. They did just get US$1.6 Billion dollars, ya know.

Something tells me Messeurs Page, Brin and Schmidt will soon be casting hungry glances at Wikipedia. Just a thought.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Curse those irresponsible idiotic Indonesian tree burners! Don't they realise all their smoke is doing a number on unsuspecting lungs, sinuses and throats? More specifically, MINE?

Saturday, September 30, 2006

If you want some good reading for a lovely Saturday night, go read Dan Brown. Otherwise, read on:

Hi, this is Betsy Stockwell, and here's the latest from Casa Wahid.

Ili Izyani, sister to The Fiz and reason for his grey hairs, has finished painting part of her room red. She was aided by her father (efforts to find him a good nickname continues).

Said Ili, "Alah, papa keep taking away the paintbrush from meee! Cannot even finish myself! Might as well go watch TV right? Haiiii! Where the remote, ah? Oh, on top of the TV. ABANG!!! Can take the remote for me? Hehehehe! Sorry ah! :D"

Reactions to the new colour scheme of red and yellow are decidedly mixed. Some praised it as adding some spice to an otherwise tired looking room. Others lambasted it, saying it looks like a "typical Malay room". Fans of Watford Football Club are among the most ardent supporters of the new colour scheme. Reports of Elton John posters adorning Ili's room have been quashed by Ili herself.

Meanwhile, the matriach of the house recently received an e-mail from her friend asking her to sign up for a Multiply blog. Since the friend in question currently lives in Dubai, and figuring that this is a good way to keep in touch with her friend, she duly signed up, making her possibly the oldest person to ever join Multiply. Her son was reported to be extremely chagrined about this new development.

And finally, to The Fiz himself. After months of an ever increasing rise in his phone bill, his father (Mr. Boyan? Naah, corny) has decided enough is enough. Starting from the next month, Fiz will be paying his own bills, a development that family watchers agree was an inevitability. The Fiz was said to be not too worried about this. With the meal allowances SCDF is giving him that will boost his small salary, and his rumoured plans to buy a cordless phone for his room, perhaps he shouldn't have to be.

And that was the news from Casa Wahid. We now return you to your regular business.

Well, well, well.

Trust Alfian Sa'at to put some of my thoughts into words. Don't I wish they weren't true.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

"Ho ho! I'm Duh Fiz! I'm so stooopid! This blog sucks, eh? What am I trying to kid, I'm no Mr Brown. Why bother to try? Oh, and your "buddies"! How do you know they're not laughing at you behind your back, huh? At least those guys you keep cursing in camp, they're brutally honest about you! They're ignoring you, leaving you, not caring a bloody fook about you! You know why? Because you're a weirdo, Fizzy boy, you're a luuuuuser! Why even bother trying to go on, huh? Tell me, tell me, queer boy!"

Seriously, if I'm going to beat myself up, I should just go all out and get it over with, right?


Alright. Enough. No more self-loathing. The last thing I need is a Tyler Durden.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Honestly, I sincerely doubt if either Hady or Jon, good as they are, will top this:

But, best of luck to the both of them. At least I know this won't be an easy choice this time around unlike last season.

Having said that, I just realised I'm wearing a blue shirt. :D

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Left Fiz: So, what can I expect in NS?
Right Fiz: I'd tell you, but why ruin the horr...I mean, surprise?


This goes out to everyone fasting: Stomachs, let's get ready to RUMBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Mmhmm, I was planning a little story, one of those which will entertain people while hinting at my current cause of gloom. But, eh, I'm not in the mood.

So, straight up: Two times I've been placed in the public spotlight now. Two times, I crashed and burned horribly.

Nerves can be a terrible, yet picky, enemy. Those in control of their emotions, those supremely confident in themselves, they rarely get troubled by nerves. As opposed to people like me, well, nerves eat us for breakfast.

The usual thing: get confidence, be less nervous, bla bla bla. I'm way past getting sick of talking about this.

Oh, I'm over the cock-up itself. I'm just still not over the fact that said cock-up might have single-handedly destroyed a friend's dream. I'm just glad she was calm enough to save the whole thing.

You have to understand, I was entrusted with one simple yet vital job, and I blew it. I failed her and myself.

Nerves are one thing, in the end, they're quite manageable. But, guilt. That won't leave in a hurry.

Yep, I cannot wait till I get to the point where me and her can both laugh about this. I know Don is.

Now, I'm going to go work on that project that I've put off for way too long.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Today is the first day since I entered NS that I have been in a good mood for the entire day.


Today, I have also been awake for about 30 hours. Why? Because I can! Seriously. Which is why this post is so straightfoward and dull for my standards. Creativity goes down the toilet when your brain is working solely on caffeine.

Friday, September 15, 2006

I took leave from today until Monday. Because when you feel like shooting your boss, who by the way has done nothing that warrants even a faint grunt of derision, so far, you have to take a break.

Because of the computer's operation and concession fares, I have to figure out how to make $150 (give or take a dollar) go a long way. May as well burn it all, cause it's nearly time to start doing my best impression of a poor starving kid in the daytime. Who has the mood to go out when you're hungry, thirsty and for a number of people, smoke-free?

Non-sequitor alert!

Jealousy is a foul, foul thing. It eats in you, never taking a break from chewing your insides, until all that's left is a shapeless bitter mass of green sludge. For people (like yours truly) who are prone to griping and hand-wringing every time they see some expertly written prose on a popular website instead of actually knuckling down and try to actually match or even beat that standard, it hits doubly hard.

I hear successful people use their less desirable feelings and use them to their advantage. Jealousy fuels these people's competitive drive. It makes them better writers, actors, businessmen, cooks, window-washers. That's my goal.

Apathy? Apathy is dangerous. You could use it to hide behind your problems. Who freakin' cares if I don't have a girlfriend? But let it be your whole personality, and your life will be worth naught.

It's gonna be a long weekend.
I can not, and will not, promise not to whine and moan about my life anymore. If I did, this blog wouldn't last very long, would it? But I will try to keep it to a minimum. Failing which, I'll try to be clever about it, like say, letting my conscience be my guide AND replacement writer.

In other news, what the heck am I doing staying up so late?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Four words to fill your everyday needs

Snakes on a Plane.

Try saying that every time you're stressed out. Or, if you're daring enough, even answering every question with that.

"You got a minute?" "Snakes on a Plane."

"Who'll get voted out next week?" "Snakes on a Plane."

"Anything to declare?" "Snakes on a Plane."


"Snakes on yo mama?" "NO! Snakes on a Plane!"

Very thereapeutic stuff.

So, in closing:

Snakes on a Plane.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

2% of suicides are caused by the inability to cope with blogger's block.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Ok, Fiz, ok, calm down, calm down, don't get so.....oh, someone's at the door.

Oh, hi! Come on in! I was just clearing up my blogspace. Careful of the broken glass, ya?

What's that? Oh, do I look that stressed? I'm sorry, I'm just thinking of my dear old computer. It's getting a motherboard transplant, you know. And oh, the price! But never mind. I'll get it back in 2 weeks, good as new.

These stack of papers? Ah, they're just descriptions of the vocations I could've gotten. Here, let me share some with you.

Firefighter. Fight fire, breathe toxic smoke, save damsels in distress and save the occasional cat on a tree. Pretty cool. Unfortunately, I'm too unfit for consideration, so let's move on.

Provost. Wave people and cars in the building, wave them out. All bloody day. At least you can arrest people. But, nah, pass.

Dog handler. With my dog phobia? In the bin wit ya!

Info-Comm. Play around with communication devices like walkie-talkie and stuff. The people that are in charge of that button that will recall every single NSman in the country. Hmmm, interesting.

Listen to me. As if I have a choice of where I'm posted. Heh.

Well, this is my posting. Clerk. Big surprise. In charge of all the admin stuff. I expect a lot of people to befriend me and persuade me to raise their allowance just a little bit.

Yes, don't worry, I'm fine with the posting. I don't have to run around and get sweaty all day. To heck with the air-con and the dry skin and the chapped lips and the glayvin!

Oh, you have to leave now? Is my blogspace really that smelly? Ok, then. Don't forget to get your coat!

Heh, I know, thanks for the concern, but don't worry, I'm fine. I just let all the shit in my life get to me for far too long. Last time that happened 2 years ago......well, you know. Can't let that happen again, can I? I'd go to the DB if I do. Heh. Yeah.

I'll see ya around, then.


Friday, August 25, 2006

P O P O P O P O P O P O P!

This is, quite simply, the best of times and the worst of times.

My Basic Rescue Training is o-vah! So, yay for that!

My computer slipped into yet another coma. So, boo for that!

But let's stick to the positives, shall we?

This past week in camp is basically a technicality. Like the few weeks after exams, we have to be there or be punished even though we have absolutely nothing to do. Just imagine restless teenage boys hanging around a dorm. No TV, no radio, no girls, no booze.

I was used to that, but I was the only one. By Wednesday, some guy trying to be clever stuck 'Welcome to Woodbridge' on our dorm doors. Eh, he's probably right, all the guys were getting loopy.

But by 5PM, Thursday, it was all worth the waiting.

We, the cuckoo birds of Bravo Company, left, left, left righted ourselves away from 7 weeks of daily torture (with weekends off). I will never ever experience another moment like that again where the mood is unanimously joyous. I hope not, because if I do, it'll be because I'd be released from prison.

My fellow recruits, most of them anyway, are the most annoying, most jerk-ass, and best reasons for the existence for the word 'asshole' I have ever hoped to never meet again. But after 7 weeks together, I couldn't help but feel that I'll miss them, at least for enduring all the same shit I went through.

But that was Thursday morning. 12 hours, dozens of 'Hafizahs' and hundreds of butt pinches later (maybe they're jealous of my well-rounded posterior), the feeling was gone.

Because of one recruit's mysterious ability to remember my 3 second TV appearance, I've been asked to sing for them every single day. Rihanna's Unfaithful (YAWN) was requested often. So at the end, I was asked to sing one last time.

So I sang Green Day's Good Riddance (Time of Your Life). My most emotional performance, let me tell you.

The jerks, bless 'em (no, not really), thought it was sweet of me saying goodbye through that song. Out of curiosity, I asked if they knew what "Riddance" meant.

Too many of them said no.

I'm not going to blast them for their lack of education. I mean, one of them had to leave school by Primary 2. Lord knows the lives they went through. Having said that, I went through quite a bit myself last time. I remember throwing myself on a thankfully not so busy road back when I was in Primary 3 because I couldn't take all the teasing anymore.

I've grown up a bit since then, and the teasings in camp never reached the heights of cruelty that it did in my lower Primary School days (which is the reason why I rarely laugh at jokes making fun of me, even if by someone I truly love. Deep-rooted childhood scars and all that), but I have had it with people treating me as a cushion for all their sharpest jibes as a way of being friends with me.


Mat: Eh, jom lah, Fiz, why always sit alone? Join us lah, talk cock a bit.

Me: I'd love to, but we both know that all these discussions will quickly descend into a "Who Mimics Fiz's Voice Best" competition. Or maybe a fascinating forum over why I'm such an absent-minded, accident-prone weirdo.

Mat: Huh? Eh, can don't speak so cheem or not?

Me: It's okay. I'll just sit here, smiling to myself.



There goes my promise of not complaining about them anymore. It stops here now.

One last thing though.

Did you know: My self-imposed ban on all curse words ended when I entered National Service.

So it was with the utmost satisfaction that I showed my two middle fingers at them as I boarded the bus while they decided to wait for the next bus and shouted the biggest "FUCK YOU!" the nearby cemetary has ever heard.

The looks on their faces and the way I felt after that beats all the Mee Soto in the world.

Ok then, vocation time. Which will it be? Storeman? Driver?


Huh, jobs aren't meant to be enjoyed anyway.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Quick, Fiz! Think of something witty to blog!



Ok, I see you're in one of those monthly "down in the dumps" thing going on.

Fine, I'll leave you alone. But c'mon, cheer up! 1 more week until you finally leave camp!

Oh, will you forget her for now?! There's always next week, you know!

There there now, you just go listen to your new Massive Attack CD. That seems to cheer you up just fine.

Yes, I would love to make you some Milo. Unfortunately, I'm just a made-up person in your head. You're going to have to make it yourself, won't you?

That's my boy. Don't put too much milk now, y'hear?

Saturday, August 19, 2006


Somebody somewhere really, really, really hates me.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

S-C-D-F had a camp
And in that camp they had some Mats
With a 'butoh' here,
And a 'step cool' there,
Here a 'sial',
There a 'sial',
Everywhere a 'sial', sial!
S-C-D-F had a camp

Ok, ok, no more Mat bashing. I'll be as bad as they are if I continue like this.

But it's so fun...


August the 25th. That's the day I escape from Basic Rescue Training for good. Mark it down. August the 25th.

That's in 2 weeks. Man, time goes fast, doesn't it? But spare some thought for the next intake of recruits coming in about 3 months. My intake will be the last to go through 7 weeks of BRT. The next intake will have to go through 16 weeks.

Lucky, lucky, I'm so lucky...


I hereby solemnly swear to fully be able to use Photoshop 7 (can't afford a newer version) to its full extent by this time next year. Being able to erase my zits away is nice, but being able to reduce the size of my nose, now THAT is a worthy goal.

Why? Because I hear the call of deviantART. No, I won't answer it. I'm not screwed-up enough. (Kidding!) But really, all those deviantARTists, and I know quite a few of them, are really, really good with their Photoshop skills, and I don't feel worthy of joining their ranks just yet. But I am aiming for their standards. Maybe, just maybe, one day I can consider myself good enough to stand toe to toe with them. (D7 in O Level Art notwithstanding. Oh, the shame...)

What can I say? I'm starting to like taking photos and messing with them.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Mood - complete utter boredom, flipping through iTunes finding that one song to make my day and finding nothing, nothing to blog, nothing to chat about, nothing to watch, nothing to interest me, nothing to make me sleepy, nothing to piss me off (or on), nothing to make me feel anything, nothing, nothing, nothing!

doodle doodle doodle dee then. Ennui makes me do.....weird stuff.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Ready for a post full of metaphors that makes me look smart when in truth it just makes me look silly? Ok? Here we go...

Take a chocolate chip cookie. Nice, isn't it? The fried golden brown dough and the dark brown chocolate chips combining as if to say, "Screw the calories, eat me!"

Now imagine the cookie without the chips. It's just an ordinary cookie, isn't it? Now how would you think it tastes like? If it's cooked properly, it's still marvelous. But mostly, it's just plain. Close to tasteless. Boring. Ah, but it's healthy for you.

A good, wholesome, boring Life.

Now imagine the chocolate chips, by themselves. Full of sweet delight. Once you pop one in, you need another. And another. And another. It tastes so damn good now, but later, it'll catch up with you. Few zits, extra kilos, the works. And you know what? It tastes great, but leaves you feeling that there's something missing.

A Life full of tasty moments, some bad for you.

What am I trying to get here? My point is, my life has been a plain piece of cookie, with only one or two chips here and there. It's a good, wholesome life. It's also an empty life. One, I'm sorry to say, that I'm sick to death of. My parents mean well, but their efforts to raise a good boy and complete reluctance to to acknowledge my real age instead of the age they think I am has resulted in me being frustrated, angry, bitter and full of headaches.

Yep. Now with my regular allowance, I suppose it's finally time for me to go against my parents and assert a little independence for myself. Should be fun.

I don't want a cookie so full of chips, it may as well be a whole chocolate bar. I believe people whose lives are like that are currently sitting in Changi Prison right now. No, I'm just going to add a few chips to my cookie, a bit at a time, avoiding the ones that look rotten, until I finally get the right mix. A healthy cookie, filled with enough chips to make things interesting.

Well, I'm hungry. Chipsmore, anyone?
Happy Fireworks Spotting, everyone!

41 is nothing. there's a good number.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The boy was just sitting there, minding his own business. It's part of his life really. Because of his schizophrenia, he's done all sort of horrible things because of "those voices". Or at least he knows this, because he was told he did all sorts of horrible things, because all the medications have left him without any memory of his past.

His was a tragic history, so you may say the amnesia is a blessing.

The boy was just sitting there, alone, in the middle of the SCDF's Basic Rescue Training Center. He's gotten used to the looks he's getting from the other recruits. They were wondering why he had carved the word "HELP" on his arm, among other things. Maybe he does too, or maybe he doesn't want to know. The recruits, most of them anyway, were giving him a respectful distance. Schizophrenia may be beyond some of their minds, but they know enough to know that the slightest aggravation might set the monster in the boy's head off.

But, always, in a large gathering group of boys, there will invariably be those few, that gang, who has the utterly useless talent of not knowing when to shut up.

They get interested in the boy.

They ask questions. He answers.

They ask more questions. He answers.

They ask even more questions, which really is the same question, framed in a different way.

He grows tired of them and stops answering.

They call him arrogant. He ignores them.

They call him names. He continues ignoring them.

One of them shows him the middle finger. He ignores it.

But the monster doesn't.

Two minutes later, the inciters of the monster were being held back by the rest of the recruits, shouting all manner of French words, while the boy was lying down, suffering a fit, getting attended by the Sergeant who arrived just in time to prevent a potentially bad confrontation.

The boy, with his life a sad blank in his mind, convulsing, while the gang kept chanting, "Bedek! Bedek!" (Fake! Fake!)

The parade square was full of recruits either gathering around the boy or the gang. A few were on the stands, standing, trying to make out what's going on.

MSF just sat there, knowing that the medics will take good care of the boy, and finally realising that the girls were right after all.

There are too many idiots with dicks in the world.

The order was given to fall in. So they did.

Among the many trying to look back at the fallen figure, a few, MSF included, looked straight to the front.

So that the boy would have a few less stares.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Computer OK

Well, Blogspot, how did you find that post I made two hours earlier? Was it delicious? No? Hmmm, so it was probably a crappy post anyway then. Nah, no thanks, you can keep it.

Anyways, I'm a little too lazy to recreate that last post which dear old Blogspot chose as its night snack, so I'll just say what that post said in three sentences: My computer's fixed!

For only 20 bucks, I might add. Thanks to the CyberActive at West Mall (probably the smallest neighbourhood shopping centre you'll ever find in Singapore). I buy my games there. I still will, even if one of the shopkeepers look disturbingly like my Corporal. -shudder-

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Sung to the tune of Gorillaz's Kids With Guns:

Got my pay
Got my pay
A spending spree
Is on the way
Will be broke
Before too long
Got my pay
Got my pay
Easy does it, easy does it, must save some to fix the com

Eating out (spend it all, spend it)
Mee Soto (spend it all, spend it)
Glass of coke (spend it all, spend it)
That's all I need (spend it all, spend it)
Kilos gained (spend it all, spend it)
But I don't care (spend it all, spend it)
Got my pay
Got my pay
Easy does it, easy does it, dad's already on my case

Cause with cash, I'll become a monster
Spending it all in one place
Orchard Road better watch out
I'm on my way
I'm on my way

All those CDs
Waiting to be
Consumed by me
To Sir Thom Yorke
Cause I got my pay
Got my pay
Easy does it, easy does it, pocket's getting one big hole

Cause with cash, I'll become a monster
Spending it all in one place
Orchard Road better watch out
I'm on my way
I'm on my way

Spend it all, spend it, spend it
Spend it all, spend it, spend it
Spend it all, spend it, spend it
Spend it all, spend it, spend it
Spend it all, spend it, spend it

Spend it all


Oh, and I shook Tracy Humphrey's hand today. You know, wife of that Weekend Today ang moh columnist.

Good times.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Would you believe?

The first 2 kg I've ever lost in ages?

Maybe there IS something to this Physical Training (PT) schtick.

Oh, and those rumours about the PT instructors being sadistic devils hidden in well-tanned bodies? All too true.

I've lost my voice too, from all the "1, PTI! 2, PTI! 3, PTI!"

But as long as I can look less like the Stay Puft monster from Ghostbusters, I'm happy.


"Ooh, ooh, can I say something about the Mats in your platoon?"

Sure thing, it's your blog as much as mine.

"Great! Ok, let's see. The first week, they were so unbeareable, weren't they? Buggin you and teasing you, just because you were a little different from them. Sure, you were a little girly. They're calling you 'Rosita' right?"

Let's move on.

"Hey, it's more original than 'Hafizah'"

I said, let's move ON!

"Alright! Geez! Ok, but then they got used to you, just like everyone got used to you in school back then right? Maybe it's because you toned down the weirdness and started becoming more of your quiet self, right?"

That's right. It worked pretty well, didn't it?

"Not as much as the Seargent making them do 30 push-ups and giving them 5 days Extra Guard Duty when he heard them make fun of your voice."

Ok, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoyed that a little bit.

"Now, they won't mess with you anymore. Must be sweet to have a Seargent behind your back, eh?"

You do know he'll still give me push-ups if I mess up my foot drills some more, right?

"Pfft, who asked you to be so blur?"

Ok, you're fired.



I don't know what's more worrying: the fact that in camp, I'm frequently miserable and about to lose it, or, that I'm beginning to enjoy being miserable and about to lose it.


One final note: Ready to relive your childhood, dear readers?

Then click here.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Yup , I do get to go home every weekend. That's great. Now all I have to do is convince my parents to let me out every Saturday so that I can clear my head . And judging from this week in J.B. (Jalan Bahar), I really, REALLY, need it.

And, ok, I give in. I do need my handphone in camp. Still no chargers allowed, so I'm just gonna have to improvise. More of NS when I have more time (and a working computer).

I'm in the Cathay right now, where they have three computers with internet access which anyone can use, for only 15 minutes, which is why this post is rushed and not at all up to my standards of brilliance, or lameness, depending on your taste slash mood. Just watched Pirates of the Carribean 2. Nutshell review: Woo Hoo!

Ok, time's up. Off to Baybeats. Later!

Monday, July 10, 2006

This is it.

Well, boys and girls, it's time for the requisite "Holy sh!t! I'm going to NS tomorrow" post.

But, well, I've debated on whether to do this post. I mean, I'm only going to Jalan Bahar to get my bum bum kicked by overzealous commanders and kiss-assy type recruit bullies. Note, Jalan Bahar, not New York . (I want to be a part of it, Jalan Bahaaaaaaar...)

I can't lie to you. I'm scared. Terrified. Not only about what will happen to me during Basic Training, but after that - Full-Time National Service. And after THAT, what would happen to me? (Some of you will know what I'm talking about.) It's all I can do to not lose it and just swim to Australia to escape it all. Ah, the perks of being Singaporean, eh? Serve 2 years looking after the country and after that, oh hi, here's a rope. Now start climbing out of your own grave.

I can do this. Of course I can. I'm The Fiz, damn it! I can do it if I put my mind to it. (Thanks, Marty McFly)

It may end up being the time of my life. I may learn something useful like how to climb a tree (dead useful trick to have), and maybe, just maybe, no bullies. Oh, heh, I'm sorry, I forgot, I'm The Fiz. I'm not that lucky. I suppose I'll have to bring along every single ounce of the sunny-side up character of myself. And steel to sew on my skin. Wait, I will learn how to sew, right?

I just remembered something about me and bullies: I usually let them have it their way. Not this year, buckos.

So, here's the biggest note to self: Suck up everything the SCDF throws at you! Because by gum, if you can swim through a ditch full of pee and rotting Chicken Rice, while being pelted with flour and yet more pee, all without batting a smelly eyelid, well then, you can just bloody well do anything! Rise up! Become The Fiz!

Why am I yelling so much?! Oh yeah, self-confidence riser mixed with self-delusion! Whatever works! Ok, stop it.

Remember, gentle readers, this isn't goodbye. If I hear correctly, I'll be home every weekend. Of course, I'll either be catching up on the Zs, or going out trying to get a life. But I'll try to update here once in a while, whenever the computer isn't on strike. If you're lucky (or not), maybe you'll catch me on MSN. My aim is this: I want to spend as little time as possible at home. Just enough to satisfy my parents.

Oh, and since I can't bring a phone charger, no point bringing a handphone, right? Where's the logic anyway, allowing phones yet not allowing chargers.................

Sooooo, I guess that's it. Rant over. Enough of the worrying and the depressions and the crying and the moping and the lazing and all the glayvin. Time for me to sit in my room, get my stuff ready, maybe punch my bolster a few times, then hug it's cottony guts out.

And hope for the best.

I'll see you when I see you.
That. Was. Incredible.

I just watched the 3rd/4th Playoff match repeat. And I enjoyed every minute of, well, the 2nd half anyway. The 1st hakf was a snore. But when the German guy scored that goal, followed by the Portugeuse own goal, followed by a great goal by the same German guy, followed by that consolation Portugal goal.......

Man, it was sweet. All credit to Portugal (except too-cute-for-his-own-good Cristiano Ronaldo) but Germany deserved to be 3rd!

Oh, and apparently Italy won something. Ho-hum.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the sun,
doo doo doo doo
here comes the sun,
and I say,
It's All Right

(happy guitar strumming time)

Friday, July 07, 2006

Let's blog while we still can, shall we?

I'm in a bloody fantastic mood. I don't know why, I don't care why, I just don't want it to bloody end and last for 2 years! Give or take a few AWOL moment or two.

I like saying 'bloody' when I'm in a good mood. Feels bloody good.

Kenny Loggins is on. 'Scuse me while I take his advice and cut loose (footloose).
Late night on the newly-fixed (but for how long?) com.

Hot Milo.

Chatting on MSN (man, there's a lot of people after midnight).

Listening to iTunes.


Thinking of stuff to blog.

Counting down to July the 11th.

La vie est bonne, man, la vie est bonne.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Here's how I figure out who to support in the finals -

Me with French accent: I sound like Inspec-tair Clue-sew TRYING to sound French.

Me with Italian accent: Imagine Count Dracula saying "It's a-me! Mario!"

So, my choice is....Italy, because it's easier, and coming from me, funnier to do an Italian accent.

So go Italy! Bring-a back-a the World Cup-a to Roma!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Message from the home computer

Hey, you! You who call yourself "Duh" Fiz. Yeah, I'm talking to you! All those times you download all that junk inside me, all those times you used me for hours on end even though I'm begging for a rest (didn't ya hear my fan whirring like a dervish? Didn't ya?!), all those times you shut me off by turning the power switch off illegally? Well, I can't take it anymore! So guess what? I'm pulling the plug! From now on, you can't use me anymore! You'll keep getting "Hard Drive Failure" messages till the cows come home, and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it, except to ask your dear father (oh, don't think I didn't hear you say those things about him!) to call someone up and fix me! HAH! Let's see you live without me now!

Swearing and kicking me won't help much, you know. :D

Saturday, July 01, 2006

It finally happened...

In fact, 2 things happened last week that I knew was just a matter of time.

First, I grew up listening 987 since 1996, when the music was pure Pop goodness, no Hip Hop/R&B/Simple Plan crap. The DJs were awesome: Howie in the afternoons, Christopher Goh in Jive Drive, Jean Danker on Say It With Music and Glenn Ong on The Ego Trip late night show.

The goodness lasted till 2000. Then, the lineup was shaken up, Glenn moved to the mornings, thereby neutering him for an older audience. And the songs got progressively worse.

I grew up from simple bubblegum pop, sure, so I was ready for some adult pop fare, whatever that may be, and I hoped the Perfect 10 would fill that space.

They played Eminem instead.

Long story short, after one too many mediocre, bad, Simple Plan-esque song, I snapped and turned the dial slightly to the right.

"Relax. Lush. 99.5"

And it's been there ever since mid-June. I try returning a few times, but couldn't make 30 seconds before changing it back.

I've finally out-growned 987fm. It was inevitable. Still, I'll peek at MTV once in awhile just to keep up with the mainstream stuff.

And besides, now that I come to think about it, today's DJs in 987? Well.....they bug me.

Except, of course, Jamie Yeo.

Which leads me to the 2nd thing: Jamie is a very, very ambitious lady. She works hard, and she wants to go places. I've seen enough people like her to know that she would not want to stay in radio for long. Heck, maybe not even in MediaCorp anymore.

Last Monday, she proved me right, on both counts, and thus sealing 987's fate for me.

Jamie Yeo is gone from 987, leaving just Emily and Don & Drew to be the only reasons to listen to 987. But Emily's only a part-timer and D&D, I can just download their podcast.

Kudos Jamie for taking that brave step in leaving MediaCorp and joining, believe it or not, ESPN Star Sports. Hey, it's about time another female presenter joined Collette Wong there. Can't wait to see her there.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Ok, maybe me talking about vomiting in the last post, and now this, falls under the 'too much info' category. But hey, I haven't done so in 10 years. That's a record I'm very proud of.

Here's something peculiar about myself. It seems the most creative time in my brain's life so far is whenever I get horribly, bed-riddenly (sic) sick.

(Wait, was that a bad pun in that last sentence?)

So, last night, I took mum's advice about inducing vomiting. (Toothbrushes are good with that). Oddly enough, while I was kneeling in front of the toilet bowl, my brain was at that very moment creating a little nursery rhyme, replacing "1, 2, Buckle My Shoe" (or was it "1, 2, Freddy's coming for you"?), with this:

1,2, Out came all the goo
3,4, Horrid smells galore
5,6, How'd I get in this fix?
7,8, Am so full of hate
9,10, Never eat again

Hey, gimme a break! Consider what I was doing while that rhyme was forming in my head.

Let me just say this, without going into the gory details: having not vomited for a decade, my body sure made up for lost time last night.


Taken from the blog of my friend (and incurable Francophile) Shanaz:

It was getting pretty crowded as the MRT was approaching Raffles Place and a group of young Malay girls and boys entered at Redhill (or was it Tiong Bahru??) Anyways, they were all dressed up in those current, hip sub-culture clothes. You get the picture. Red and black tie, thick eyeliner, ruffled hair, My Chemical Romance t-shirts, knee length socks etc. Whatever you call it lah. They were talking and talking.....and then.....the bombshell dropped.

One of the girls turned to the guys and asked loudly "Eh, asal Ronaldinho tak main untuk Barcelona kat World Cup ah? Asal dia main untuk Brazil pulak??"

Translation from Minah to English: "Why is Ronaldinho not playing for Barcelona in the WC? Why is he playing for Brazil instead??"

Heh, what do you know? A good dose of laughter is the best medicine!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

You know you're really sick when your mother actually encourages you to induce vomiting. Better out than in, I guess.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Timecheck: Exactly 2 weeks until NS. Hopefully, this would be 2 of the most hectic weeks of my life. I've songs to listen to, movies to watch, games to play, people to curse, parents to love and beg, sister to make nice to, friends to chat with, computer to fix, noodles to eat, Coke to drink, and so on and forth.

But first and foremost, I've got a fever to cure. This would be my third in two months. That, gentle readers, is what we call a BAD SIGN.

Monday, June 26, 2006

You'd think the pinples would start to go away once you reach the big 2 Oh.

You'd think wrong.

I am currently suffering from the worst acne breakout of my life. You watch Superman Returns. You see Superman's shell of a homeworld, Krypton. That'll be my face.

Why do I care? Good question. I didn't once. Blame it on love I guess.

Did I say too much there?


I just hope that slopping Nivea, Clean & Clear AND SilkPro on my face would clear it up soon. Gotta look good for NS.

Monday, June 19, 2006

I feel the need.

The need to blog.

About what?

Heck if I know.

Pesky writer's block.

The fingers are willing, but the little grey cells, zey are weak.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Ok, quick question: is my Cbox tagboard working for you? If not, put in a quick note in the comments link just below this post and I'll change it lickety-split.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Here is a video game I like to play now and then, combined with a song that I like to sing to myself quite often.

Ladies and gentlemen, Denis Leary and the Master Chief.

And since I know most people surfing the internet are slobs too lazy to search for the lyrics themselves (hey, I'm an asshole, didn't ya hear the song? :D)

Folks, I'd like to sing a song about the American Dream. About me. About you. The way our American hearts beat down in the bottom of our chests. About the special feeling we get in the cockles of our hearts, maybe below the cockles, maybe in the sub-cockle area. Maybe in the liver. Maybe in the kidneys. Maybe even in the colon, we don't know.

I'm just a regular Joe with a regular job
I'm your average white suburbanite slob
I like football and porno and books about war
I've got an average house with a nic hardwood floor
My wife and my job, my kids and my car
My feet on my table, and a cuban cigar

But sometimes that just ain't enough to keep a man like me interested
(Oh no) No Way (Uh-uh)
No, I've gotta go out and have fun
At someone else's expense
(Oh yeah) Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

I drive really slow in the ultrafast lane
While people behind me are going insane

I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, what an asshole)
I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, such an asshole)

I use public toilets and piss on the seat
I walk around in the summertime saying, "How about this heat?"

I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, what an asshole)
I'm an asshole (He's the world's biggest asshole)

Sometimes I park in handicapped spaces
While handicapped people make handicapped faces

I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, what an asshole)
I'm an asshole (He's a real fucking asshole)

Maybe I shouldn't be singing this song
Ranting and raving and carrying on
Maybe they're right when they tell me I'm wrong.....


I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, what an asshole)
I'm an asshole (He's the world's biggest asshole)

You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna get myself a 1967 Cadillac El Dorado convertible, hot pink with whaleskin hub caps and all leather cow interior and big brown baby seal eyes for headlights, yeah! And I'm gonna drive around in that baby at 115mph getting one mile per gallon, sucking down quarter pounder cheese burgers from McDonald's in the old-fashioned non-biodegradable styrofoam containers and when I'm done sucking down those grease ball burgers, I'm gonna wipe my mouth with the American flag and then I'm gonna toss the styrofoam container right out the side and there ain't a God damned thing anybody can do about it. YOu know why? Because we got the bombs, that's why.

Two words. Nuclear fucking weapons, okay?! Russia, Germany, Romania - they can have all the Democracy they want. They can have a big democracy cake-walk right through the middle of Tiananmen square and it won't make a lick of difference because we've got the bombs, okay?! John Wayne's not dead - he's frozen. And as soon as we find the cure for cancer we're gonna thaw out the duke and he's gonna be pretty pissed off. You know why? Have you ever taken a cold shower? Well multiple that by 15-million times, that's how pissed off the Duke's gonna be. I'm gonna get the Duke and John Cassavetes...
and Lee Marvin
and Sam Pekinpah
And a case of Whiskey and drive down to Texas...
(Hey, you know you really are an asshole)
Why don't you just shut-up and sing the song pal!

I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, what an asshole)
I'm an asshole (He's the world's biggest asshole)


Arf Arf Arf Arf Arf Arf Arf
Fung achng tum a fung tum a fling chum
Oooh Oooh

I'm an asshole and proud of it!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Flashback time

Note: The author has written this for four reasons, to write something in conjuction with the ongoing World Cup, to wax nostalgia, to stretch his composition muscles and to show off his knack of remembering the most useless stuff from long ago, e.g. the time when the school bus he was on crashed into a motorcyclist, 15 frickin' years ago.

This happened in 1997, in Primary 5. The boys in my class, as you might expect, were nuts about football. And in those days, so was I. I made a pretty good defender in street footy. Really, I did! Ah, but my friends were better, so of course I was only the standby player for the inter-school football tournament.

Quite a lot of people were watching that first game, boys and girls. It was the first round, 5/3 (my class) against 5/4. I have to say, we were the favourites. We had, among others, Faiz (yes, THAT Faiz), prolific goal scorer, and (it's hard to forget this name) Nabawi, the Beckham nut. Styled his hair, played on the right and everything. We couldn't lose, surely!

So the match started, refreed by my Mother Tongue teacher. It was real neck-and-neck stuff, they scored one, we scored one, they scored two more, we scored two more. All the while, I was on the sidelines, watching the game eagerly. Before the game, everyone on the team promised me a place on the squad if they won. Actually, it didn't matter to me if I played or not, I just wanted my class to win. Hey, don't you want to be in the champion class too? Anyway, the score was tied 3-3, with 5 minutes to go. Now, Nabawi only started idolising Beckham when he scored this goal. Ever since, he wanted to emulate it. And, on the halfway line, with the ball on his feet and the goalie on his line, he got his chance. And he took it. The ball was rising. All eyes were on the ball. Rising..falling...goalie slipped! GOAL!!!

Naturally, my class started cheering. Nabawi was grinning like the dickens while he was mobbed. But see, I wasn't cheering. See, the goal posts? They had no nets. Blame it on the school ignoring the sports program. I wasn't cheering because I wasn't sure if the ball had crossed UNDER the crossbar (thereby leading to a goal) or OVER the crossbar. if there had been a net, the ball would have landed on it. Therefore, no goal. But no net means the ball continuing down to the ground. It doesn't matter. Everyone thought it was a goal.

Except, of course, the referee.

He blew the whistle and said 'No goal!'. In his opinion, the ball went over, not under, the bar. On hindsight, it was funny. Every single person in the school, even the opposing team, thought it was a goal except the one person who mattered.

Now, if you know Faiz (keeping in mind that he was pretty much the same in secondary school as in primary school, except that he knew more curse words), you can probably guess his reaction. To this date, that was the only time I've ever been in a situation close to a riot. Every single one of my classmates on the field was mobbing the ref, who was quite old mind you. Goodness knows what kind of names he was called. But, in a show of firmness that I could learn from, he made sure his decision stood. Play on, after 5 minutes of protests.

Wouldn't you know it? 5/4 scored the very next minute. 3-4. And that was the scoreline on the final whistle. We were out.

Looking at the guys after the match, it was like Princess Diana's then-recent funeral all over again. This, more than any other thing, was a permanant reminder of the power football holds over its true followers. I was disappointed not to be able to play, yes, but I brushed it off easily. But the guys, they were absolutely heart-broken. Think Singapore Idol rejects. Triple it. There you go, that was their reactions. The worst of it was Nabawi hugging me, tears and snot dripping on my shirt, apologising to me profusely for me not having the chance to play. I wish I was exaggerating. It was a good thing the exams were over, they were all so despondent from that day until the start of the December holidays. Every single guy. Except me, which the girls wondered about. I felt bad for them, of course, but it's hard to feel sad when your uncle just bought you your very first PC, you know?

The tournament was also notable for me getting hit HARD by a wayward ball in another match. At least the girls paid attention to me for a day afterwards.

There is a happy ending to this story: the next year, me, Faiz, Nabawi and one other guy were transfered to another class, 6/2, until now still my favourite class, primary or secondary. On that year's tournament, there were finally nets on the goal posts (shows you how big the controversy was, Dazhong Primary was a bit slow when it came to upgrades back then) and the guys made it to the final. I played 10 minutes of that match before being replaced by Faiz, who basically started murdering the other team. So, basically we won. I got my one and only sports medal.

Is it real gold or not? Pfft, who cares?! I have a Gold medal!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Bottle of Coke: 2 dollars

Bag of chips: 3 dollars

Fridge to replace the old one which suddenly inexplicably broke down on us: 1000+ dollars

Hearing people go 'GOOOAAL!!!" from here, there and everywhere around 4am in the morning:

Yup, you got it. Priceless.

Monday, June 05, 2006

If you search for "peter crouch" in YouTube, you'll find some videos of his now famous (among soccer fans) robot dance celebration.

Now, I've been doing it ever since I've heard of the robot dance. (BTW, domo arigato everyone!) When I've done it in front of a few people, they laugh and dance along. All in good fun though, I know that. And you know what, I do a pretty good robot if I do say so myself.

That beanpole Crouch does it, and it becomes a national phenomenon. No, I'm not sore that I wasn't the reason it became a phenomenon. It's just another way for Life to amuse me, that's all.

Interest in World Cup: nominal at best. Interest in Half-Life 2 Episode 1: off the charts!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Me being a casual sci-fi fan, I suppose it is odd that I hated Buffy the Vampire Slayer. All those kids running around, killing demons, getting caught in life threatening situations.....'sigh' makes my life unbearably boring.

But I gotta admit, looking at the show again, Joss Whedon did a fine job creating the stories, making memorable characters, writing the snarky lines. It's that and a lot more that makes people consider that TV show the greatest of all time (believe it or not, cause I don't).

So, there's another show similar to Buffy coming. Nothing supernatural this time, it's just about a fledgling private detective who just so happens to be gorgeous. But that's not why I'm going to watch it. I've heard a lot of things about this show and it's all good. They say it's better than Lost (and I love Lost), which says a whole lot, doesn't it? Despite that, it's not a big hit in the US, which is why it's not surprising that Channel 5 is showing it at the Sunday 6PM slot, starting tomorrow.

Yeah, NOW you bring this show on air, with my NS in 37 days. Huh.

Anyway, the show? Veronica Mars. Watch it!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I'd like to remind everyone to be careful when making friends with pre-teens. They're great to talk to, maybe even to hang out with, if you don't mind the occasional stares. But talk and hang out with them long enough, and you may begin to start acting and thinking like a pre-teen. Trust me on this, it's not pretty.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


This ad is stupid. But also very irresistably KAWAII!!!


Still, this proves you can never go wrong with pandas and cute Japanese music. All it needed was a penguin and it'll be perfect.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

So here I was thinking of ways to save money to get a new handphone and the Playstation 3 when it comes out with my NS allowance. I'd heard that the pricing plans for the PS3 would be released in the recently concluded E3 (basically the Lollapalooza of computer gaming).

Sony duly released the pricing plans: for a PS3 with a 60GB Hard Drive? US$599


I feel sick.

Someway, someway.....

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hear ye, hear ye...

I wanna try explaining podcasting again, but I suddenly temporarily lost the ability to be funny, so I'll let a ninja handle the explaining. I hope you don't mind fishy metaphors.

Why do I want to explain podcasting? To introduce something I've been wanting to do for months now, ever since I got a mic and Audacity. But I am, of course, one of the world's foremost experts in procrastinating, so I pushed it and pushed it and pushed it until finally, I realised that if I don't do it soon, after NS, I may be so busy, I might even have the desire to start.

So, here it is. The first (and last) trailer for the Meesotofreak Podcast. The podcast proper will start (as the computer game companies always say) When It's Ready.

PS. You can download the first 2 MP3s before the trailer, if you, y'know, like bad singing and all...

Monday, May 22, 2006


Even if they are in jest and harmless, I never do react well to teasing. And imagine what fresh new jibes those people at NS will throw at me.


Things to do before NS #76: Get thicker skin
It's a weird feeling, being embarassed, pleased, mortified and amused, all at the same time.

My apologies to Stealers Wheel and Resevoir Dog fans everywhere.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Because my dear sister has been a very naughty girl, our Dad has seen fit to 'GASP!' take away her handphone! Now, because I can't resist those Bambi eyes she uses when she really, truly wants something done by someone, she's sharing my phone.

So, in the meantime, be careful with what SMSes any of you dear readers send me. This means, Steve, that you have to quit it with the mushy stuff.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Trying to read 50 Hercule Poirot short stories in one sitting is like trying to eat 50 Kueh Lapis-es (most definitely sic) in one sitting: The first, oh, 20 or so, they're great, delicious, I can't stop at one. Or two. Or five. But by the 25th, I start to get really, really sick of it. It's still delicious, I just can't stomach anymore or I'll puke. I'll just have to wait a few weeks to get the appetite to read the remaining short stories. It's always a pleasure reading about a fellow egg-shaped headed man (try seeing me with a bald head. Brrrr...)

Here's a series of conversations that happened the past few months:

MSF: Can I have a haircut?
Mom: Why? Nice what, your hair.

MSF: Can I have a haircut?
Mom: No money!

MSF: Can I pleeease have a haircut?
Mom: Berape kali nak cakap, takde duit!

(Last week)
MSF: (looking at the mirror) Say, my hair's looking good. Almost like David Beckham. I think I'll keep it!
Dad: (enters room) Son, go get a haircut tomorrow.
MSF: WHAT?! But...
Dad: Here's 20 bucks, 10 for the barber, 10 for pocket money.
MSF: You want me to get a crew-cut, or fully bald?

Counting the 10 bucks I had stored and the 10 Mom gave me, that's 30 dollars I had. And true to form, I spent 2/3rds of it in 2 days flat.

I have got to control my spending urges.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Things to do before NS List # 84: No more writing titles for the sake of writing titles

As you probably can tell by that shiny button to your right, I'm a Firefox fan. And as some of you might now, when I like something, I REALLY like that something. Ask Cik Aini, the makcik selling the Mee Soto in Yusof Ishak Sec. Anyway, yes, I love Firefox and offered the chance to sell it, I would. If I could. Not face to face of course, not with the way I speak. Stutter and all You're digressing... anyway, I could go on about how safe Firefox is, how much better than IE is, how, with extensions and themes, you could really pimp the living sh!t out of that browser.

Like so.

One of the big reasons why I like Firefox is the idea of an alternative browser. Internet Explorer has been in the seat of power in the world of browsers for so long, it's made Microsoft a little lax in fixing what needs to be fixed. (Why am I feeling a sudden sense of deja vu?)

Sure, there are other choices long before Firefox, like Opera. But Firefox has become an actual strong "Opposition" to IE. I for one love that. It's made Microsoft pull up their socks and actually get to work on upgrading IE. Their new beta version of IE has promise.

It gives consumers choice.

Which is why I'm not using Explorer Destroyer.

Sure, it's tempting. It could force most of you dear readers to switch to Firefox to be able to read my blog. And I'd get a dollar for every person who does exactly that. But no. For 3 reasons:
  1. Remember what I said about choice? If I used this script, I'd be a hypocrite, wouldn't I? As much as I want you all to switch to Firefox, I want you to do so without being forced to.
  2. Explored Destroyer uses Google AdSense to pay the $1. I dunno, this goes against Google's "Do No Evil" policy, doesn't it? Using scripts to block internet content without permission?
  3. You could easily just boycott this blog. Now that's definitely not a good thing.
If you want to try the script, go ahead. Get rich. Ignore that little communist voice in your head going "Capitalistic swine!".

So, uh, in conclusion, Get Firefox!!

(Yeah, I'm doing this once in a blue moon. Any problem with that?)