Friday, December 08, 2006


Yo! This is Fyz, that little voice in The Fiz's head that tells him to do stuff like toss banana peels in the middle of the PIE or stuff his head in a basket full of rats. Fiz can't blog because...well, because he can't be bothered. He's not quitting, he just wants a break. Personally, I think he's starting to realise what a whiny asshole he's been on more than once occasion the past few months.

Oops, there I go again. I may be an imaginary figment of Fiz's head and all round bad influence, but damn, it's so pitiful to see him mope in his room on his bed...oh look, there he goes again. Huh. I'm starting to think that guy will never change. But no matter, I'm not giving up on him. And I should remind certain people out there that you shouldn't too. Soft-hearted fool he may be, but he's OUR soft-hearted fool!

So, in a nutshell, The Fiz wants me to say something on his behalf, though why I bother writing it at all....anyway, he's going to be on hiatus. For how long? Damn if I know. Maybe two years, months, he could simply decide to start writing again sometime next week....oh, you are? Right, right, I'll tell them. Ok, one more post next week (on this blog at least) and the hiatus begins.

So there. It's done. Now write your own bloody announcements next time, Fiz. And stop sucking your thumb, for goodness sake, man, your're nearly 21 years old!

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