K3ra asked if I had blogged lately. Good point. I shall start now.
Not for the first time, I pondered about being a woman (stay with me now). I'm not going all Priscilla here, I just tend to think about these things. Right now, I wonder, if I was a woman, would I be even more in touch with my thoughts, my feelings? Are my masculine tendencies getting in the way? Would I be the better writer that I keep wishing to be?
In any case, I've long gone past the cross-dressing phase in my life (I don't look so hot in a tube top), so don't worry about it, dear Reader.
Indie music is grand, ain't it?
FlashGet and my hard drive haven't stopped crying Uncle from the exercise I gave them both last night.
Am now listening to unpopular radio and sweetmusic.fm's little battle live from Home club. Free entry and $3 drinks. Wish I was there.
I promised my friend I'd do this. So here we go.
Flora Fizz(Why yes, I did notice that my name's in there, why do you ask?)
I'd love you all to click on that link and feast your eyes on the flower sets for sale. No, not because I get paid 40 cents per click, but because it's Valentine's Day next week! So come on, even if you don't have a significant other to surprise with a room full of American Beauties, there's always your parents, give them violets, your annoying siblings, give 'em cactuses, your best buds, give them a sunflower!
Come one, come all! Cepat, tak beli sekarang, nanti rugi!
Ceeeewah...Seriously, those are some nice looking sets, so be a romantic: click on
Flora Fizz, pick one you like and contact Feedah (her particulars are at the bottom). Trust me, she doesn't bite. Go on, guys. Don't let this budding businesswoman down!
Hmmm, maybe I could use Google's Ad services to spread the word about this business.
There, I think that'll do for a few weeks.