Monday, October 31, 2005

Fear the numbers!

Meet Hafiz. Once, not so long ago, he was a great kid, vibrant, full of life. He was the life of the party, he was the best friend anybody could have, and the top student in his class. He was also a fillial son to his parents. In short, he was a cool kid. His life so full of promise.

Then he started playing Sudoku.

At first, it was harmless fun. Once a day, he spends a few hours solving the daily puzzle in the newspaper. But it wasn't enough. He wanted more. So he bought a Sudoku puzzle book. But that wasn't enough either. So he bought more and more and more. He became addicted. Pretty soon, he ran out of money, but his need for Sudoku was far from abated. He started to borrow money from anyone he could, which led to rising debts. His parents got worried. They scolded him, whacked him with the cane, took away his allowance and even grounded him. His friends started avoiding him. They say he's a changed person. Whatever happened to the fun-loving Hafiz that they knew and loved? And his grades, where once he could get full marks in his Math tests, now they began dropping faster than a stone. But Hafiz didn't care. All that mattered to him was solving Sudoku puzzles. Just getting one complete row would send him into ecstacy. Soon, he began to steal and extort money from his now former friends. That was the last straw. His parents gave him an ultimatum. Quit Sudoku or they will call the police. Hafiz took a third choice. He ran away from home.

He had reached the point of no return.

Now, dressed only in tattered clothing, he digs around in trash bins around Singapore, hoping to find something, ANYTHING, related to Sudoku. Old newspapers, thrown out books. His life, which used to promise so much, is now destroyed.

Kids, don't be a Hafiz. Say NO to Sudoku.

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