Ladies and germs, I bring to you the BETA version of MSN Messenger, Version 8.0. (If you, for some strange unexplainable reason, still don't know what BETA means, it basically means "not yet fully completed") It's live and ready for the public to test. Alas, like Gmail, it's only usable through invites, which I don't have just yet. If you really want to use it now, click here to ask for an invite. Be polite about it, please.
Here's that very babelicious geek themediaslut to tell you more about Windows Live Messenger.
My 2 cents? Very nice so far. The Asian version doesn't have the feature where we can listen in to the same song at the same time, which is too bad. But it has offline messaging too, FINALLY. Handy for urgent notes. The butterfly symbol is gone too. Not that anybody cares, but still. No problems with it so far. Now if only I can get someone to test the mike and camera features with me.
Overall, I still prefer MSN 7.5, but heck, I went through all that trouble getting this new version, so I'm sticking to this.
One more thing about MSN/WLM: If I was a bit busy with my work, I wouldn't even bother opening my MSN. Just a thought.
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