Me: Arsenal's going to the finals! Arsenal's going to the finals!
That voice in my head: Barca's gonna crush us! Barca's gonna crush us!
Random Liverpool fan: Pfft! Been there, done that!
Random Tottenham fan: Well, that's it, dear. I'm becoming an atheist.
Cynical Brit: Yeah, but where're all the Brits in the team, eh?
Parisian vendor selling Arsenal and Barcelona jerseys: $$$$$!!!!
Every single Gooner in the world: (to the tune of the Pet Shop Boys' "Go West") the Arsenal! the Arsenal!
Friday, April 28, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
No Campaigning Allowed
So I won't campaign or support a particular party. Why should I? Since I'm too young to vote. By only 9 effin' months...
So, the GRC I currently live in, Jurong, goes to the PAP in a walkover. Shame. I would love to see something like the last election, with the "good" Dr. Chee Soon Juan and his team contesting here.
"Mr. Goh, come here! I want to talk to you! Where is the money?"
At 14, I considered that the height of coolness. At 20, I consider that the height of idiocy. Just sayin'.....
I'll be honest here, I watch politics same as I watch MTV, for the sound & the fury. Politics can be entertaining sometimes. But there will be a time when I'll have to really consider the important issues. Bills don't pay themselves, jobs don't grow on trees. But until then, I'm content to sit here, eat my popcorn and watch as some other Opposition MP say something really dumb and get bankrupted because of it.
Enough political talk, or else I might say something dumb myself and find myself in the front page of The New Paper and Lianhe Wanbao.
So, the GRC I currently live in, Jurong, goes to the PAP in a walkover. Shame. I would love to see something like the last election, with the "good" Dr. Chee Soon Juan and his team contesting here.
"Mr. Goh, come here! I want to talk to you! Where is the money?"
At 14, I considered that the height of coolness. At 20, I consider that the height of idiocy. Just sayin'.....
I'll be honest here, I watch politics same as I watch MTV, for the sound & the fury. Politics can be entertaining sometimes. But there will be a time when I'll have to really consider the important issues. Bills don't pay themselves, jobs don't grow on trees. But until then, I'm content to sit here, eat my popcorn and watch as some other Opposition MP say something really dumb and get bankrupted because of it.
Enough political talk, or else I might say something dumb myself and find myself in the front page of The New Paper and Lianhe Wanbao.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
What's that smell?
It's amazing how much the smell of minty apples can make you feel really, really, really (and I do mean, really) good. And kinda stoned.
I wonder where Dad bought that new apple scented air freshener in his room?
I wonder where Dad bought that new apple scented air freshener in his room?
Monday, April 24, 2006
Does this happen to you?
And of course, Henry the Horse dances the salsa says:
busy day at work huh?
(10 minutes pass)
Hmmm, I guess he is busy.
(20 minutes pass)
It's alright, I can wait. Hum de dum dum...
(30 minutes pass)
Wait, he might be ignoring me....naahh!
(40 minutes pass)
Sh!t, he IS ignoring me! What the hell? Is it me? Does he not like me? Did I offend him?
(50 minutes pass)
OMG, OMG, he's not saying anything. He hates me, he hates me!
(59 minutes pass)
That's it! Life's not worth livin' anymore! Goodbye, cruel...
[new MSN message sound]
Poppy Cock Boys says:
Yeah real tough day...
Oops, never mind...
I hate being so paranoid, especially on MSN. Bleah!
busy day at work huh?
(10 minutes pass)
Hmmm, I guess he is busy.
(20 minutes pass)
It's alright, I can wait. Hum de dum dum...
(30 minutes pass)
Wait, he might be ignoring me....naahh!
(40 minutes pass)
Sh!t, he IS ignoring me! What the hell? Is it me? Does he not like me? Did I offend him?
(50 minutes pass)
OMG, OMG, he's not saying anything. He hates me, he hates me!
(59 minutes pass)
That's it! Life's not worth livin' anymore! Goodbye, cruel...
[new MSN message sound]
Poppy Cock Boys says:
Yeah real tough day...
Oops, never mind...
I hate being so paranoid, especially on MSN. Bleah!
Friday, April 21, 2006
My phone just had the longest conversation it's ever had (when I'm using it, mind you).
Overall, the record is still 1:46:24
Since it's an outgoing call, I can expect a killer phone bill next month. But I won't mind it a bit!
Ok, uh, that's all, I guess. Just wanted to say SOMETHING, that's all.
Overall, the record is still 1:46:24
Since it's an outgoing call, I can expect a killer phone bill next month. But I won't mind it a bit!
Ok, uh, that's all, I guess. Just wanted to say SOMETHING, that's all.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Yesterday's Horoscope
"Your friends and family may wonder what's going on, for your actions may seem out of character to them. They might think that you flipped your lid. You, on the other hand, could be feeling giddy as you break out of a box that has restrained you for too long. Tread carefully, for escaping is one thing, but hurting someone you love is something else."
They probably can't read your future, but those horoscope writers can eerily read your mind sometimes, eh?
"Your friends and family may wonder what's going on, for your actions may seem out of character to them. They might think that you flipped your lid. You, on the other hand, could be feeling giddy as you break out of a box that has restrained you for too long. Tread carefully, for escaping is one thing, but hurting someone you love is something else."
They probably can't read your future, but those horoscope writers can eerily read your mind sometimes, eh?
Monday, April 17, 2006
Holla to the Back...
Last Saturday, I went to both a mainstream gig and an indie gig. Adjusting from one and the other could kill you.
The focus is on the mainstream gig, so let's just get the indie one out of the way. Basically, I read about something going on in the Substation. Local gigs bla bla flea market bla bla bla used to be regular in the 90s bla bla bla hoping to kickstart it back. Plus I've never actually been to the Substation despite it being near the old National Library. Shocking, ain't it?
Things to do before NS List - #37: Get in the local music scene more.
Shady shopkeeper: Come, sir, buy this CD. Support local music, don't let your parents persecute you for your right to listen to music.
Me: Are you sure this CD is good?
Shady shopkeeper: Brother, trust me. If you're not happy, just come back next week! I just won't be here, that's all!
It's a punk CD, by the way, full of bands that of course I've never heard of except Opposition Party. And hey, it's better punk than Simple Bleh and Good Charlatan.
As for the bands playing, Lunarin was nice. Concave Scream however nearly put me to sleep. But maybe that's because earlier events left me punch drunk.

Lunarin: gotta remember that name.
Now, on to the real focus of today's post:

(Insert pumping beats here)
If there's one thing this event has taught me, it's that it pays to know the right people. The right people who can get you VIP seats. Thanks, Kera (pronounced Keh-Ra)! And by extension, thanks Hutch and Don!

As you can see, it's quite the popular thing, this Hollaback Crew. The queue nearly crawled all the way roung the Singapore Indoor Stadium. And it's a huge ass stadium.
In actual fact, cameras weren't allowed in there. But since when have I listened to security?
Oh yeah, since I was born. Well, that changed today.

The stage, where it all happens. That's Mark Richmond and Beatrice Chia down there, with some other dudette.
Too bad I can't show you the 987 DJs entrance, it was quite something. Stupid camera was getting screwy. I could really use a new digi-cam, one that can actually zoom beyond 2X.....'ahem'

It's Ronin! I don't really like 'em, but hey, it's Ronin!
To be frank, I really didn't care about the actual Hollaback Crew competition itself. Why should I, I'm not competing. I only took 1 pic of only 1 of the groups competing. Good thing they turned out to be the Over 17 winners, eh?

Street Fusion. The amazing thing was that they were the only ones not from any school.
I came for one reason. To see a pineapple! Oh, and Don and Drew.

Very blurry picture of Mr. Andrew Crothers coming down the stairs rapping about the virtues of Malaysian food.

The Eurasian's on the right, the Ang Moh's to the left.
To all of you people from JCs, polytechnics, ITEs annnnd...NTU...
(weak cheers from the students)
All your weak cheers don't impress Don and Drew...
(strong boos from students)
You can boo all you want, you can cry to your mammy...
Quite frankly, we'd be more impressed if you were
I love 'em, I'm their #2 fan.

That big red dishcloth there? Best Banner winner. 'Sigh' Standards are getting lower.....
At one point, all the girls suddenly jumped up as one and started mercilessly killing my eardrums.

I was reaching ever so slowly for my phone to call Woodbridge Hospital to report a case of unexplained mass insania. Then I looked to the front.

Ah, well. That explains it.

From the left, Kera, Stephi and Stephi's friend, acting their age.
So the show ended, Street Fusion and SCGS won for Over and Under 17 respectively. They get to share $10 000 each. Nice.
Oh alright, I gotta give props to Street Fusion. They brought the house down with everything, the props, percussion, dancing et al.
Autograph-wise, I got Beatrice Chia's and Carrie Chong's. Whoo, Carrie! I had to control a sudden unexpected urge to propose to her. (NS List - #18: Get as many autographs as I can.)
I said I didn't like Ronin. But, well, the lead singer was hanging around the outside of the stadium so what the heck. 1 autograph.

And that pic. (Damn, I look stiff.)
He's a pretty nice guy. Cool, calm, even a little stoned, I think.
So all in all, an excellent way to spend a Saturday evening. It left me wisihing I was a little younger again. 'sigh'
For more pics, here's a link to my set in Flickr: 987FM Hollaback Crew
Now to figure out how to get out on the next Saturday evening...
The focus is on the mainstream gig, so let's just get the indie one out of the way. Basically, I read about something going on in the Substation. Local gigs bla bla flea market bla bla bla used to be regular in the 90s bla bla bla hoping to kickstart it back. Plus I've never actually been to the Substation despite it being near the old National Library. Shocking, ain't it?
Things to do before NS List - #37: Get in the local music scene more.
Shady shopkeeper: Come, sir, buy this CD. Support local music, don't let your parents persecute you for your right to listen to music.
Me: Are you sure this CD is good?
Shady shopkeeper: Brother, trust me. If you're not happy, just come back next week! I just won't be here, that's all!
It's a punk CD, by the way, full of bands that of course I've never heard of except Opposition Party. And hey, it's better punk than Simple Bleh and Good Charlatan.
As for the bands playing, Lunarin was nice. Concave Scream however nearly put me to sleep. But maybe that's because earlier events left me punch drunk.
Lunarin: gotta remember that name.
Now, on to the real focus of today's post:
(Insert pumping beats here)
If there's one thing this event has taught me, it's that it pays to know the right people. The right people who can get you VIP seats. Thanks, Kera (pronounced Keh-Ra)! And by extension, thanks Hutch and Don!
As you can see, it's quite the popular thing, this Hollaback Crew. The queue nearly crawled all the way roung the Singapore Indoor Stadium. And it's a huge ass stadium.
In actual fact, cameras weren't allowed in there. But since when have I listened to security?
Oh yeah, since I was born. Well, that changed today.
The stage, where it all happens. That's Mark Richmond and Beatrice Chia down there, with some other dudette.
Too bad I can't show you the 987 DJs entrance, it was quite something. Stupid camera was getting screwy. I could really use a new digi-cam, one that can actually zoom beyond 2X.....'ahem'
It's Ronin! I don't really like 'em, but hey, it's Ronin!
To be frank, I really didn't care about the actual Hollaback Crew competition itself. Why should I, I'm not competing. I only took 1 pic of only 1 of the groups competing. Good thing they turned out to be the Over 17 winners, eh?
Street Fusion. The amazing thing was that they were the only ones not from any school.
I came for one reason. To see a pineapple! Oh, and Don and Drew.
Very blurry picture of Mr. Andrew Crothers coming down the stairs rapping about the virtues of Malaysian food.
The Eurasian's on the right, the Ang Moh's to the left.
To all of you people from JCs, polytechnics, ITEs annnnd...NTU...
(weak cheers from the students)
All your weak cheers don't impress Don and Drew...
(strong boos from students)
You can boo all you want, you can cry to your mammy...
Quite frankly, we'd be more impressed if you were
I love 'em, I'm their #2 fan.
That big red dishcloth there? Best Banner winner. 'Sigh' Standards are getting lower.....
At one point, all the girls suddenly jumped up as one and started mercilessly killing my eardrums.
I was reaching ever so slowly for my phone to call Woodbridge Hospital to report a case of unexplained mass insania. Then I looked to the front.
Ah, well. That explains it.
From the left, Kera, Stephi and Stephi's friend, acting their age.
So the show ended, Street Fusion and SCGS won for Over and Under 17 respectively. They get to share $10 000 each. Nice.
Oh alright, I gotta give props to Street Fusion. They brought the house down with everything, the props, percussion, dancing et al.
Autograph-wise, I got Beatrice Chia's and Carrie Chong's. Whoo, Carrie! I had to control a sudden unexpected urge to propose to her. (NS List - #18: Get as many autographs as I can.)
I said I didn't like Ronin. But, well, the lead singer was hanging around the outside of the stadium so what the heck. 1 autograph.
And that pic. (Damn, I look stiff.)
He's a pretty nice guy. Cool, calm, even a little stoned, I think.
So all in all, an excellent way to spend a Saturday evening. It left me wisihing I was a little younger again. 'sigh'
For more pics, here's a link to my set in Flickr: 987FM Hollaback Crew
Now to figure out how to get out on the next Saturday evening...
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Eh, what the heck...
I got this from her, who got it from him, who got it from her, who.....aah, you get the picture.
Instructions: Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question. NO CHEATING.
How does the world see me?
yeah toxic - britney & usher mash-up
(toxic? me? only after a burrito lunch maybe.)
Will I have a happy life?
bohemian like you - dandy warhols
(a happy bohemian life. mmmmm......)
What do my friends really think of me?
keep me in your heart - warren zevon
(awww, that's sweet!)
Do people secretly lust after me?
relaku pujuk - spider (loosely translated: willing to coax/entice)
(eh, i'll take that.)
How can I make myself happy?
no no no - the yeah yeah yeahs
(oh, thanks a lot!!!)
What should I do with my life?
1 thing - amerie
(what thing? sleeping? eating? pogoing? get amnesty from the US? what?! don't leave me hanging!)
Will I ever have children?
younger generation - the adicts
(oh look, i've found my theme song. but as for the question, i probably will, and pretty rebellious ones too. awesome!)
What is some good advice for me?
push the button - sugababes
(ok, this may be some deep metaphorical message. but i'll take it literally and push the fan's on button. aaaaah, much better!)
How will I be remembered?
waterfalls - tlc
(making people move and groove just like this song does? oh yeah!)
What is my signature dancing song?
love in the first degree - bananarama
(well, i do like my mambo jambo. :D)
What do I think my current theme song is?
berhenti berharap - sheila on 7 (loosely translated: stop hoping)
(hmmm, this can't be good.)
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
i'm too sexy - right said fred
What song will play at my funeral?
voodoo child - jimi hendrix
(i'll probably rise up from the dead and play some wicked riffs.)
What type of men/women do I like?
[men] scummy - arctic monkeys
(yeah, sure.)
[women] hot in herre - nelly
(-devilish grin-)
What is my day going to be like?
wild tonight - shaggy featuring olivia
(sssh, don't tell my parents!)
Instructions: Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question. NO CHEATING.
How does the world see me?
yeah toxic - britney & usher mash-up
(toxic? me? only after a burrito lunch maybe.)
Will I have a happy life?
bohemian like you - dandy warhols
(a happy bohemian life. mmmmm......)
What do my friends really think of me?
keep me in your heart - warren zevon
(awww, that's sweet!)
Do people secretly lust after me?
relaku pujuk - spider (loosely translated: willing to coax/entice)
(eh, i'll take that.)
How can I make myself happy?
no no no - the yeah yeah yeahs
(oh, thanks a lot!!!)
What should I do with my life?
1 thing - amerie
(what thing? sleeping? eating? pogoing? get amnesty from the US? what?! don't leave me hanging!)
Will I ever have children?
younger generation - the adicts
(oh look, i've found my theme song. but as for the question, i probably will, and pretty rebellious ones too. awesome!)
What is some good advice for me?
push the button - sugababes
(ok, this may be some deep metaphorical message. but i'll take it literally and push the fan's on button. aaaaah, much better!)
How will I be remembered?
waterfalls - tlc
(making people move and groove just like this song does? oh yeah!)
What is my signature dancing song?
love in the first degree - bananarama
(well, i do like my mambo jambo. :D)
What do I think my current theme song is?
berhenti berharap - sheila on 7 (loosely translated: stop hoping)
(hmmm, this can't be good.)
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
i'm too sexy - right said fred
What song will play at my funeral?
voodoo child - jimi hendrix
(i'll probably rise up from the dead and play some wicked riffs.)
What type of men/women do I like?
[men] scummy - arctic monkeys
(yeah, sure.)
[women] hot in herre - nelly
(-devilish grin-)
What is my day going to be like?
wild tonight - shaggy featuring olivia
(sssh, don't tell my parents!)
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
90 Days! 90 Days!
Guys, if you don't mind, I might spend some time reminiscing on this blog my past 20 years in existence. Cause when I get enlisted, it's like I'm saying goodbye once and for all to irresponsibility and immaturity.
Oh yeah, and as little angst as possible. We've got quite enough the past week.
Oh yeah, and as little angst as possible. We've got quite enough the past week.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
One fine day in MSF's Room
(The Meesotofreak (MSF) is listening to the radio)
Radio: Said I'm so sick of love songs, so tired of BRBRRASZZZZZZZKT!....We interrupt this song for an important news bulletin. (beat) Alright, settle down, the song's not THAT bad. Well, it is, but see.....'ahem' anyway, this is a message for YOU!
MSF: Me?
Radio: Yes, dammit, didn't you hear me the first time? Now the Government (All Hail The Benevolent Mr. Lee!) has decided to use its rather excellent radio jamming systems to send you this message: Meesotofreak, you are chosen!
MSF: Chosen?
Radio: Dagnabit, will you stop being a parrot and listen? Yes, chosen!
MSF: Great! They must've gotten that letter I sent to the President.
Radio: What letter?
MSF: The one where I asked (rather politely, I might add) to be the Singapore Noodle Ambassador to the UK.
Radio: What? No, don't be ridiculous, the President would never allow that to happen!
(Meanwhile, in the Istana)
President: Hmmm, Noodle Ambasador, eh? Me likey!
(Back in MSF's Room)
Radio: Anyway, what I've been trying to say is that-'ahem'-You have been chosen to serve your nation and enter National Service!
MSF: Oh. Well, that's great too. But shouldn't I get a letter...
(MSF's door opens)
Dad: Mail!
MSF: Anything from Carrie?
Dad: Nope! Just this letter from MINDEF.
MSF: Darn! Thanks anyway, Dad.
Dad: No prob. (closes door)
(MSF looks at the blue letter with the words MINDEF: TOP SECRET! WE MEAN IT, TOP BLOODY SECRET!)
Radio: To save you the bother of reading it, I'll recap the important bits for you: You have been drafted into the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF).
MSF: Hmmm. I suppose I don't have to worry about crawling through Mandai Jungle, huh?
Radio: No, but you will have to worry about bringing cats down from trees. 'ahem' Furthermore, you will have to fall-in and register at the SCDF Jalan Bahar Headquarters on the 11th of July 2006 at 8:30 AM sharp! Your parents may join you, you'll have to come in neat attire, you must bring the proper things, blah blah blah, etc etc etc. The rest you can read in that lette, I'm getting bored here of just yapping.
MSF: Well, go and play a song then.
Radio: Good idea! But not that R&B and punk-lite rubbish they keep airing, yech! I know, I'll play some Malmsteen! Let's rock!
(The radio turns up the volume and plays some INSANELY LOUD guitar riffs)
(MSF turns off radio)
MSF: Brrr! That song always scares me!
Just in case you missed what I'm trying to say (or too damn lazy to read all that), a recap: I got my call-up letter which says I'm posted to the SCDF and have to report to Jalan Bahar on the 11th of July at 8:30AM.
Er, whoopee?
OK, now MINDEF's given me the letter I've been waiting from them. What about you, Senors Don & Drew? Where's my Pearl Jam CD?!
Radio: Said I'm so sick of love songs, so tired of BRBRRASZZZZZZZKT!....We interrupt this song for an important news bulletin. (beat) Alright, settle down, the song's not THAT bad. Well, it is, but see.....'ahem' anyway, this is a message for YOU!
MSF: Me?
Radio: Yes, dammit, didn't you hear me the first time? Now the Government (All Hail The Benevolent Mr. Lee!) has decided to use its rather excellent radio jamming systems to send you this message: Meesotofreak, you are chosen!
MSF: Chosen?
Radio: Dagnabit, will you stop being a parrot and listen? Yes, chosen!
MSF: Great! They must've gotten that letter I sent to the President.
Radio: What letter?
MSF: The one where I asked (rather politely, I might add) to be the Singapore Noodle Ambassador to the UK.
Radio: What? No, don't be ridiculous, the President would never allow that to happen!
(Meanwhile, in the Istana)
President: Hmmm, Noodle Ambasador, eh? Me likey!
(Back in MSF's Room)
Radio: Anyway, what I've been trying to say is that-'ahem'-You have been chosen to serve your nation and enter National Service!
MSF: Oh. Well, that's great too. But shouldn't I get a letter...
(MSF's door opens)
Dad: Mail!
MSF: Anything from Carrie?
Dad: Nope! Just this letter from MINDEF.
MSF: Darn! Thanks anyway, Dad.
Dad: No prob. (closes door)
(MSF looks at the blue letter with the words MINDEF: TOP SECRET! WE MEAN IT, TOP BLOODY SECRET!)
Radio: To save you the bother of reading it, I'll recap the important bits for you: You have been drafted into the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF).
MSF: Hmmm. I suppose I don't have to worry about crawling through Mandai Jungle, huh?
Radio: No, but you will have to worry about bringing cats down from trees. 'ahem' Furthermore, you will have to fall-in and register at the SCDF Jalan Bahar Headquarters on the 11th of July 2006 at 8:30 AM sharp! Your parents may join you, you'll have to come in neat attire, you must bring the proper things, blah blah blah, etc etc etc. The rest you can read in that lette, I'm getting bored here of just yapping.
MSF: Well, go and play a song then.
Radio: Good idea! But not that R&B and punk-lite rubbish they keep airing, yech! I know, I'll play some Malmsteen! Let's rock!
(The radio turns up the volume and plays some INSANELY LOUD guitar riffs)
(MSF turns off radio)
MSF: Brrr! That song always scares me!
Just in case you missed what I'm trying to say (or too damn lazy to read all that), a recap: I got my call-up letter which says I'm posted to the SCDF and have to report to Jalan Bahar on the 11th of July at 8:30AM.
Er, whoopee?
OK, now MINDEF's given me the letter I've been waiting from them. What about you, Senors Don & Drew? Where's my Pearl Jam CD?!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Talk about mixed emotions....
For the record, it IS possible to wear both masks at once. I don't know how to describe it, but it's...unpleasant to say the least. As if my brain can't make up its mind. Make up already!
I don't know, it's like if I'm not miserable, I'm not happy.
Does that make sense to anyone?
Oh boy, I'm beginning to sound more and more like an angry emo teenager. Where were these feelings 2 years ago?! Now it's just a tad embarrasing.
Nothing wrong with showing emotions of course. Hey, I can't be macho while my head's about to explode. For those who can, I salute you! I just need to find a way to express 'em in the proper way.
Crying in the bed-sheets? Ah, timeless.
In other news, my dear Adik is off somewhere climbing a mountain with her nursing friends. Probably trying to heal some baby bird who fell off a tree. That leaves me alone with 2 cranky parents.
MINDEF, hurry up with that call-up letter, why don't cha?
Let's rock!
Here's something I'd like to be a part of someday: an Arctic Monkeys gig.
My fave Arctic Monkeys song: A Certain Romance. You can't hear that opening drumbeat and not get excited!
Plus: Gorillaz @ the legendary Apollo Theatre in New York.
Practically the whole shebang: it has Dennis freakin' Hopper for Pete's sakes!

Good old Statler & Waldorf got some plastic surgery done
Watch for "Dirty Harry". The choir is infectious!
My fave Arctic Monkeys song: A Certain Romance. You can't hear that opening drumbeat and not get excited!
Plus: Gorillaz @ the legendary Apollo Theatre in New York.
Practically the whole shebang: it has Dennis freakin' Hopper for Pete's sakes!
Good old Statler & Waldorf got some plastic surgery done
Watch for "Dirty Harry". The choir is infectious!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Here's something to cheer everyone (like me) up...
The Simpsons Movie Teaser
As Dr Frink might say, "This film is headed straight for us! With the preview, and the midnight showing, and the hundred percent chance of PAIN! PAIN IN THE GLAVEN! Mwhey, hey."
As Dr Frink might say, "This film is headed straight for us! With the preview, and the midnight showing, and the hundred percent chance of PAIN! PAIN IN THE GLAVEN! Mwhey, hey."
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
"I'm sorry, but the position's full..."
"Sorry ah, only men after ORD we can accept..."
"Tadi pergi mane?"
"Get out!"
"No excuses, off the computer NOW!"
"Nonononononono! I don't care, no!"
"Kenape lambat?"
"I'm sorry, but the position's full..."
"Why you so blur?"
"Must come back before 7"
"Must come back before 6"
"Must come back NOW!"
"Now, I said!"
"Eleh, frustrated konon..."
"Sorry ah, only men after ORD we can accept..."
"You see lah, in the paper, this boy, you wasted lah..."
"Get lost!"
"No excuses, off the computer NOW!"
"20 years old? So?"
"Tadi pergi mane?"
"Where are you?"
"Go find job!"
"Where are you?"
"Go find job!"
"Where are you?"
"Go find job!"
"Where are you?"
"Go find job!"
"Where are you?"
"Go find job!"
"Where are you?"
"I'm sorry, but the position's full..."
"Sorry ah, only men after ORD we can accept..."
"I don't want to feel this way anymore....."
"Sorry ah, only men after ORD we can accept..."
"Tadi pergi mane?"
"Get out!"
"No excuses, off the computer NOW!"
"Nonononononono! I don't care, no!"
"Kenape lambat?"
"I'm sorry, but the position's full..."
"Why you so blur?"
"Must come back before 7"
"Must come back before 6"
"Must come back NOW!"
"Now, I said!"
"Eleh, frustrated konon..."
"Sorry ah, only men after ORD we can accept..."
"You see lah, in the paper, this boy, you wasted lah..."
"Get lost!"
"No excuses, off the computer NOW!"
"20 years old? So?"
"Tadi pergi mane?"
"Where are you?"
"Go find job!"
"Where are you?"
"Go find job!"
"Where are you?"
"Go find job!"
"Where are you?"
"Go find job!"
"Where are you?"
"Go find job!"
"Where are you?"
"I'm sorry, but the position's full..."
"Sorry ah, only men after ORD we can accept..."
"I don't want to feel this way anymore....."
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