The focus is on the mainstream gig, so let's just get the indie one out of the way. Basically, I read about something going on in the Substation. Local gigs bla bla flea market bla bla bla used to be regular in the 90s bla bla bla hoping to kickstart it back. Plus I've never actually been to the Substation despite it being near the old National Library. Shocking, ain't it?
Things to do before NS List - #37: Get in the local music scene more.
Shady shopkeeper: Come, sir, buy this CD. Support local music, don't let your parents persecute you for your right to listen to music.
Me: Are you sure this CD is good?
Shady shopkeeper: Brother, trust me. If you're not happy, just come back next week! I just won't be here, that's all!
It's a punk CD, by the way, full of bands that of course I've never heard of except Opposition Party. And hey, it's better punk than Simple Bleh and Good Charlatan.
As for the bands playing, Lunarin was nice. Concave Scream however nearly put me to sleep. But maybe that's because earlier events left me punch drunk.
Lunarin: gotta remember that name.
Now, on to the real focus of today's post:
(Insert pumping beats here)
If there's one thing this event has taught me, it's that it pays to know the right people. The right people who can get you VIP seats. Thanks, Kera (pronounced Keh-Ra)! And by extension, thanks Hutch and Don!
As you can see, it's quite the popular thing, this Hollaback Crew. The queue nearly crawled all the way roung the Singapore Indoor Stadium. And it's a huge ass stadium.
In actual fact, cameras weren't allowed in there. But since when have I listened to security?
Oh yeah, since I was born. Well, that changed today.
The stage, where it all happens. That's Mark Richmond and Beatrice Chia down there, with some other dudette.
Too bad I can't show you the 987 DJs entrance, it was quite something. Stupid camera was getting screwy. I could really use a new digi-cam, one that can actually zoom beyond 2X.....'ahem'
It's Ronin! I don't really like 'em, but hey, it's Ronin!
To be frank, I really didn't care about the actual Hollaback Crew competition itself. Why should I, I'm not competing. I only took 1 pic of only 1 of the groups competing. Good thing they turned out to be the Over 17 winners, eh?
Street Fusion. The amazing thing was that they were the only ones not from any school.
I came for one reason. To see a pineapple! Oh, and Don and Drew.
Very blurry picture of Mr. Andrew Crothers coming down the stairs rapping about the virtues of Malaysian food.
The Eurasian's on the right, the Ang Moh's to the left.
To all of you people from JCs, polytechnics, ITEs annnnd...NTU...
(weak cheers from the students)
All your weak cheers don't impress Don and Drew...
(strong boos from students)
You can boo all you want, you can cry to your mammy...
Quite frankly, we'd be more impressed if you were
I love 'em, I'm their #2 fan.
That big red dishcloth there? Best Banner winner. 'Sigh' Standards are getting lower.....
At one point, all the girls suddenly jumped up as one and started mercilessly killing my eardrums.
I was reaching ever so slowly for my phone to call Woodbridge Hospital to report a case of unexplained mass insania. Then I looked to the front.
Ah, well. That explains it.
From the left, Kera, Stephi and Stephi's friend, acting their age.
So the show ended, Street Fusion and SCGS won for Over and Under 17 respectively. They get to share $10 000 each. Nice.
Oh alright, I gotta give props to Street Fusion. They brought the house down with everything, the props, percussion, dancing et al.
Autograph-wise, I got Beatrice Chia's and Carrie Chong's. Whoo, Carrie! I had to control a sudden unexpected urge to propose to her. (NS List - #18: Get as many autographs as I can.)
I said I didn't like Ronin. But, well, the lead singer was hanging around the outside of the stadium so what the heck. 1 autograph.
And that pic. (Damn, I look stiff.)
He's a pretty nice guy. Cool, calm, even a little stoned, I think.
So all in all, an excellent way to spend a Saturday evening. It left me wisihing I was a little younger again. 'sigh'
For more pics, here's a link to my set in Flickr: 987FM Hollaback Crew
Now to figure out how to get out on the next Saturday evening...
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