Sunday, April 03, 2005


I would like to make a vow: Never again will I make another blog post that sounds remotely negative again. Ever. Unless it's a really bad issue that needs to be said of course. And bear in mind that there will be one negative post coming in the next 2 months.

This is the Darwin Awards website. In a nutshell, it chronicles all the stories about people who do stuff taht are so dumb, so unbelievably STUPID, that a) they die - or b) their penises fall off (Most awards go to men. Good news for all those women who think we're dumb, eh?). Then I see a story in the papers recently about the guy who died when he got hit by an MRT train. Now, death is never a good thing (or maybe it is, cause you never know what happens when you die. You could end up in Paradise, you could end up in Purgatory, or you just don't exist anymore, plain and simple), man that was a long paranthesis wasn't it? Where was I? Ah yes. Death is never a good thing, and my condolences go to the deceased's family. But think about it. What would you do when your shoe falls on the tracks? Maybe you can just walk half bare footed. Maybe, if you have a very long stick, you can pick the shoe up with it. Or maybe you can call the MRT staff, and they will either gladly help you get the shoe, or gladly tell you that there's nothing they can do. But who in their freakin' mind, would take matter in their own hands, try to get that shoe themselves, and offer their bodies as an inviting target for an incoming train?

A Darwin Award winner, that's who.

Pope John Paul II just died a few hours from me typing this. The guy has touched many lives, Christian and non-Christian. I don't agree with some of his opinions, but if there ever was a guy who deserved to be Time's Man of the Year, he was it. The world has lost a great human being.

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