Thursday, November 17, 2005

Never blog when you're feeling messed-up.

Wow. That last post was...embarrasing.

Should I delete it?

Naaah. Though maybe I'll just censor the F words.

So, in the world of me now.

Original Sin, well, it's been good to me...financially wise. But honestly? I don't belong there. I never belonged there. I felt like an atheist in a church/mosque/synagouge/whatever everytime I step into the place. Ok, fine, I've had my cock-ups there, but I improved, really. But the point is, I'm miserable there, and I can't work being miserable. Yes, I'm aware that I'm going to be in more miserable jobs than this. But at least now, I don't have a family to feed, so I still have a choice. So two weeks notice, and I'm out.

So what's next? I tried Cathay Cineleisure. In fact, I got interviewed yesterday. Unfortunately, I was late for that interview because the stupid bus broke down. I got there 30 minutes late. And when I finally got interviewed, 'sigh', let's just say I didn't talk well, even by my standards.

So, one "We'll call you later" and a day later, no call. The one job I might have actually enjoyed and I probably didn't get it.

Did I get depressed again? Nope. Just resigned. In some ways, that's a little worse.

Cheer up, mate. Harry Potter this Saturday at GV Marina.

Some points about GV Marina. I went there twice, a few months ago for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and 2 years ago with my dad for Austin Powers in Goldmember. And one thing I noticed both times? Ads. Lots and lots....and LOTS of ads before the movie. There wasn't many people for Charlie, but for Goldmember, the theatre was packed, and the people were pissed. The movies only started 15 minutes later.

Oddly enough, that's why I picked GV Marina again. What can I say, I love ads. And it builds up the anticipation.

A lacklustre post to follow a bizarre post. Nice.

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