Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The boy was just sitting there, minding his own business. It's part of his life really. Because of his schizophrenia, he's done all sort of horrible things because of "those voices". Or at least he knows this, because he was told he did all sorts of horrible things, because all the medications have left him without any memory of his past.

His was a tragic history, so you may say the amnesia is a blessing.

The boy was just sitting there, alone, in the middle of the SCDF's Basic Rescue Training Center. He's gotten used to the looks he's getting from the other recruits. They were wondering why he had carved the word "HELP" on his arm, among other things. Maybe he does too, or maybe he doesn't want to know. The recruits, most of them anyway, were giving him a respectful distance. Schizophrenia may be beyond some of their minds, but they know enough to know that the slightest aggravation might set the monster in the boy's head off.

But, always, in a large gathering group of boys, there will invariably be those few, that gang, who has the utterly useless talent of not knowing when to shut up.

They get interested in the boy.

They ask questions. He answers.

They ask more questions. He answers.

They ask even more questions, which really is the same question, framed in a different way.

He grows tired of them and stops answering.

They call him arrogant. He ignores them.

They call him names. He continues ignoring them.

One of them shows him the middle finger. He ignores it.

But the monster doesn't.

Two minutes later, the inciters of the monster were being held back by the rest of the recruits, shouting all manner of French words, while the boy was lying down, suffering a fit, getting attended by the Sergeant who arrived just in time to prevent a potentially bad confrontation.

The boy, with his life a sad blank in his mind, convulsing, while the gang kept chanting, "Bedek! Bedek!" (Fake! Fake!)

The parade square was full of recruits either gathering around the boy or the gang. A few were on the stands, standing, trying to make out what's going on.

MSF just sat there, knowing that the medics will take good care of the boy, and finally realising that the girls were right after all.

There are too many idiots with dicks in the world.

The order was given to fall in. So they did.

Among the many trying to look back at the fallen figure, a few, MSF included, looked straight to the front.

So that the boy would have a few less stares.

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