Sunday, May 23, 2004

You WALK! Kambing!

Against my will, I have been forced to interrupt my Half-Life marathon to "do the walk, do the Big Walk now, do the walk, doing the Big Walk now". God, I hate that song. Anyway, it still is an interesting experience. First time doing the Big Walk. Walking 5.2KM is really not a problem for me. Running 5.2KM is a different story. My sister kept complaining, but what's new? My feet are thankfully not sore, though I expect that will change tommorow. Speaking of which, what does my school want to check my laptop for, hmmm? Don't they trust me? Still, I better remove my Stacy Kiebler photos just in case. ;)

To audition or not to audition? What do you think? ("YOU?! Singapore Idol? Pidah, lah!") I thought you would say that. Well, guess what? I don't WANT to be the Singapore Idol. I just want to take part that's all. With your support or without. Now all I have to do is make my dad sign these papers. Don't be so skeptical guys, it's a mad world we live in where anything can happen after all. And if you're wondering, I can at least sing better than that Hung fellow. Though maybe not dance.

Now, back to more Half-Life.....

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