Friday, September 15, 2006

I took leave from today until Monday. Because when you feel like shooting your boss, who by the way has done nothing that warrants even a faint grunt of derision, so far, you have to take a break.

Because of the computer's operation and concession fares, I have to figure out how to make $150 (give or take a dollar) go a long way. May as well burn it all, cause it's nearly time to start doing my best impression of a poor starving kid in the daytime. Who has the mood to go out when you're hungry, thirsty and for a number of people, smoke-free?

Non-sequitor alert!

Jealousy is a foul, foul thing. It eats in you, never taking a break from chewing your insides, until all that's left is a shapeless bitter mass of green sludge. For people (like yours truly) who are prone to griping and hand-wringing every time they see some expertly written prose on a popular website instead of actually knuckling down and try to actually match or even beat that standard, it hits doubly hard.

I hear successful people use their less desirable feelings and use them to their advantage. Jealousy fuels these people's competitive drive. It makes them better writers, actors, businessmen, cooks, window-washers. That's my goal.

Apathy? Apathy is dangerous. You could use it to hide behind your problems. Who freakin' cares if I don't have a girlfriend? But let it be your whole personality, and your life will be worth naught.

It's gonna be a long weekend.

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