Thursday, October 14, 2004

Oooh Yeah!

'Viruses can ruin your computer. Spyware can ruin your life'

^One of the best slogans ever. Here's a link to

That website reports all the news in the war against the #1 scourge of the internet, Spyware. Yup, pushing viruses to #2. A virus can wreck your computer. No biggie, it can be fixed. But spyware, well, here's an example. An important project, you've finished it, now you have to present it. The presentation goes smoothly. Suddenly, one of the hidden spyware programs decides to do its work and show a pop-up ad to (just an example, doesn't exist, I hope). Pictures and all. Very embarrasing, no? That website also lists a Top 10 list of Best Anti-Spyware Program. Try one of 'em. It will change your life.

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