Sunday, April 09, 2006

One fine day in MSF's Room

(The Meesotofreak (MSF) is listening to the radio)

Radio: Said I'm so sick of love songs, so tired of BRBRRASZZZZZZZKT!....We interrupt this song for an important news bulletin. (beat) Alright, settle down, the song's not THAT bad. Well, it is, but see.....'ahem' anyway, this is a message for YOU!

MSF: Me?

Radio: Yes, dammit, didn't you hear me the first time? Now the Government (All Hail The Benevolent Mr. Lee!) has decided to use its rather excellent radio jamming systems to send you this message: Meesotofreak, you are chosen!

MSF: Chosen?

Radio: Dagnabit, will you stop being a parrot and listen? Yes, chosen!

MSF: Great! They must've gotten that letter I sent to the President.

Radio: What letter?

MSF: The one where I asked (rather politely, I might add) to be the Singapore Noodle Ambassador to the UK.

Radio: What? No, don't be ridiculous, the President would never allow that to happen!

(Meanwhile, in the Istana)

President: Hmmm, Noodle Ambasador, eh? Me likey!

(Back in MSF's Room)

Radio: Anyway, what I've been trying to say is that-'ahem'-You have been chosen to serve your nation and enter National Service!

MSF: Oh. Well, that's great too. But shouldn't I get a letter...

(MSF's door opens)

Dad: Mail!

MSF: Anything from Carrie?

Dad: Nope! Just this letter from MINDEF.

MSF: Darn! Thanks anyway, Dad.

Dad: No prob. (closes door)

(MSF looks at the blue letter with the words MINDEF: TOP SECRET! WE MEAN IT, TOP BLOODY SECRET!)

Radio: To save you the bother of reading it, I'll recap the important bits for you: You have been drafted into the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF).

MSF: Hmmm. I suppose I don't have to worry about crawling through Mandai Jungle, huh?

Radio: No, but you will have to worry about bringing cats down from trees. 'ahem' Furthermore, you will have to fall-in and register at the SCDF Jalan Bahar Headquarters on the 11th of July 2006 at 8:30 AM sharp! Your parents may join you, you'll have to come in neat attire, you must bring the proper things, blah blah blah, etc etc etc. The rest you can read in that lette, I'm getting bored here of just yapping.

MSF: Well, go and play a song then.

Radio: Good idea! But not that R&B and punk-lite rubbish they keep airing, yech! I know, I'll play some Malmsteen! Let's rock!

(The radio turns up the volume and plays some INSANELY LOUD guitar riffs)


(MSF turns off radio)

MSF: Brrr! That song always scares me!


Just in case you missed what I'm trying to say (or too damn lazy to read all that), a recap: I got my call-up letter which says I'm posted to the SCDF and have to report to Jalan Bahar on the 11th of July at 8:30AM.

Er, whoopee?

OK, now MINDEF's given me the letter I've been waiting from them. What about you, Senors Don & Drew? Where's my Pearl Jam CD?!

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