Friday, August 06, 2004

Could it be the Saudis? Damn, it was them!

Ahhh, nothin' like a bowl of Mee Soto in the middle of the night, eh? Well, it's been one heck of a week last week. What with my skin condition acting up again, my work piling up, my efforts to get a date futile and my laptop getting stolen. All in all, not a good week. But hey, least I still have my sanity, right? Feh.

I think it's time I start reviewing the movies I see in the cinemas, starting next Monday. The first movie I'll review is Fahrenheit 9/11, that Michael Moore documentary. Interesting movie that. Of course, it's now infamous throughout the world as the one where the fat, goateed guy dissed his president. But hey, at least it gave publicity to the children story, The Pet Goat, "a story so gripping, you can't put it down, even when your country is under attacked!"

Can't wait to see Collateral. Sure, it stars that egoist Tom Cruise, but he's a villain in this one. He always looked villainous to me.

Finally, a joke to round off yet another boring blog entry. This joke is dedicated to my sister.

Q: How many wome with PMS does it take to screw a lightbulb?
A: One. ONE!!! And do you know WHY it takes ONE?! Because no one else in this house knows HOW to change a lightbulb. They don't even know the bulb is BURNED OUT. They would sit in this house in the dark for THREE DAYS before they figured it OUT. And once they figured it out they wouldn't be able to find the lightbulbs despite the fact that they've been in the SAME CUPBOARD for the past SEVENTEEN YEARS. But if they did, by some miracle, find and change the lightbulbs, TWO DAYS LATER the chair that they dragged from two rooms over to stand on to change the STUPID lightbulb would STILL BE IN THE SAME SPOT!!!!!!! AND UNDERNEATH IT WOULD BE THE CRUMPLED WRAPPER THAT THE STUPID $#@!*^&% LIGHTBULBS CAME IN. WHY??? BECAUSE NO ONE IN THIS HOUSE EVER CARRIES OUT THE GARBAGE!!!! IT'S A WONDER WE HAVEN'T ALL SUFFOCATED FROM THE PILES OF GARBAGE THAT ARE 12 FEET DEEP THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE HOUSE. THE HOUSE!! THE HOUSE!!! IT WOULD TAKE AN ARMY TO CLEAN THIS..............I'm sorry, what was the question again?

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