Thursday, December 28, 2006

Nenek's just arrived in Casa de Wahid.

See, this means three things:


2) Seeing as Hari Raya Haji is this Sunday, with Nenek here, the family will of course be obliged to hold an open house. And, my parents, they're very, shall we say, enthusiastic about these sort of things. Anyway, what this means is that the house will be chock full of family members. And there's a fair number of them.

3) And as you may have noticed, this Sunday's also New Year's Eve. Should be fun counting down with the good buddies. Should be. Maybe I can get out to celebrate, despite what my mother says ("WHERE CAN?! MUST STAY HOME, ENTERTAIN OUR GUESTS!"). You know what, I'll ask again.

Ok, that didn't go well.

Entertaining my relatives for Hari Raya is all well and good, for most of the day. But staying at home on the night of New Year's Eve, for the 20th straight year?!

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