Saturday, December 30, 2006

Since I probably won't have time tomorrow, I'll just do the obligatory New Year's Resolution thing now.

Let's see, Lose Weight; Get Better Social Life; Get Better Life, Period; Get Rid of Acne; Be Happy......

Eh, same old, same old.

Well, here's a new one: Try to Grow Up. I've complained about being treated like a 15 year old by my parents when in fact I've acted like one a good many times. And I'm turning 21 in 2 months. It's about time, yah?

And I suppose: Be less "amneble for coercion" (thanks, Lost!). In other words, try not to be taken advantaged of so much, so easily. I cannot let people treat me like a mattress all the damn time! But it's so hard. My parents did too good a job in drilling me into a nice, gentle person. It's a bit of a stretch, being tough and fierce, as those firefighters keep telling me to be (one of the all too few things coming out of their mouths that are actually worth something). But, I've seen a bit of the real world, and it's really dog-eat-dog-and-cat-and-bat out there.

Joe Jackson once admitted he should've made his son Michael more aware of the fact that people aren't all nice and respectful. It became so that Michael may as well lie down and paint "WELCOME" on his torso. That won't be me. That can't be me.

Last one: Stop Caring About What People Think Of My Eccentricities. I probably need to tone it down a little, but I'm a bit proud (Another one: Start Being A LOT More Proud). It's the one thing about me that I can say separates me from everyone else. Oh, and Stop Trying So Hard To Be Different. Seriously. It's embarrassing.

Nothing else but to wish you a Merry Aidiladha, and a Happy New Year.

Alright then, nothing for it. In about 24 hours will begin what may well be a watershed year for me. 2 Double-0 7, here I come.


Satan: Welcome to Hell, Mr. Saddam. I've been expecting you.
Saddam: Thank you. I brought you flowers.
Satan: Awww! You shouldn't have!
(lecherous looks exchanged)

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