Thursday, April 08, 2004

Yay. I fixed the date. Now all I have to do is find a way to archive all my wonderful posts, and life will be perfect. Or at least as perfect as life can be. I'm feelin' amazingly relaxed right now, in the zone. Actually, I believe it's called 'being stoned'. Whatever it is, I feel good. And sleepy. Through Aniesha's blog I found a blog belonging to my old friend Shanaz. All her posts are exactly what I thought she'd post. Looks like she has angst to deal with too. Why does everyone have problems outside school but me? You may think it sounds strange, but I almost wish I had more than just school problems to deal with. It would make my life more interesting.

One last note: soccer is a cruel game. And it don't come crueler than this week's Euro Champions League. Real Madrid out. AC Milan stupidly losing their THREE goal advantage by letting Deportivo score FOUR. And Arsenal. Beaten by Chelsea. No words. No words to say at all.

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